Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Collab – 2nd Run!

8/23 (Mon) 12:00am - 9/5 (Sun) 11:59pm PST

Yugi is back! This time the collab returns with characters from the anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS! And finally, the real Exodia (not Orpharion) is here!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Rare gacha lineup

10 Magic Stones per roll, free roll available in mail.

All cards are linked to PDX database, newer cards may not be immediately available. You can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.

Rate from previous run
Card Individual & total rates
Run #1
★7 2% each, 6% total
★6 (Orb Skin) 3%
★6 5.7% each, 28.5% total
★6 (Dark Magician Girl) 8%
★5 10.9% each, 54.5% total

★7 | 2% each, 8% total
[7440] Pegasus & Toon World (★7) [New]

* Orb Skin #2
[5780] Yugi Muto & Silent Magician
[5784] Seto Kaiba & Blue-Eyes White Dragon
[5787] Yami Marik & The Winged Dragon of Ra
★6 Orb Skin | 3%
[5800] Blue-Eyes White Dragon

* Orb Skin #1
★6 | 4.6% each, 41.4% total
[7449] Exodia the Forbidden One [New]
[7443] Weevil Underwood & Insect Queen [New]
[7445] Rex Raptor & Two-Headed King Rex [New]
[7447] Summoned Skull [New]
[5790] Téa Gardner & Shining Friendship & Fire Sorcerer
[5792] Joey Wheeler & Red-Eyes B. Dragon
[5794] Mai Valentine & Cyber Harpie Lady
[5796] Yami Bakura & Dark Necrofear
[5798] Dark Magician
★6 | 7%
[5802] Dark Magician Girl

* [5810] Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress ‘ Active Skill changes into her.
★5 | 8.12% each, 40.6% total
[5804] Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
[5806] Gaia the Fierce Knight
[5808] Mystical Elf
[5810] Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
[5812] Kuriboh

Magic Stone + Gacha Roll Bundles

Available: 6/28 (Mon) 10am – 7/12 (Mon) 3:59am JST (Ends before collab leaves)

4 bundles are available in Shop tab! One purchase only for each bundle, except:

Bundle #1 and #4 (2 and 30 Magic Stone bundle) is available twice (refreshes), so you can buy it twice:
  • 8/23 (Mon), 0:00 – 8/29 (Sun), 23:59 (UTC-8)

  • 8/30 (Mon), 0:00 – 9/5 (Sun), 23:59 (UTC-8)

  #1 #2 #3 [New] #4
Bundle 2 Magic Stones + Gacha Set
* Refreshes, available twice
15 Magic Stones + Gacha Set
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set
魔法石20個+確定 ペガサスガチャ
30 Magic Stones + Gacha Set
* Refreshes, available twice
Price $2 $15 $20 $30
Magic Stones x 2 x 15 x 20 x 30
Gacha lineup All (★7, ★6 and ★5) [5800] Blue-Eyes White Dragon only, comes with Orb Skin #1. [7440] Pegasus & Toon World only, comes with Orb Skin #2. ★7 only, including Pegasus (Orb Skin)

Orb Skin

  • Orb Skin #1: [5800] Blue-Eyes White Dragon
  • [New] Orb Skin #2: [7440] Pegasus & Toon World

Monster Exchange

★7 Gacha rolls

  • All ★7 cards from the gacha can be obtained through exchange.
  • Exchange 5 cards for your desired cards! (Duplicates ok)
[5780] Yugi Muto & Silent Magician
▼ Trade 5 cards in.
[5784] Seto Kaiba & Blue-Eyes White Dragon
▼ Trade 5 cards in.
[5787] Yami Marik & The Winged Dragon of Ra
▼ Trade 5 cards in.
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow [New]
▼ Trade 3 cards in. One Exchange only.

Limited-time special exchanges

Collect small, medium, large tokens (Medals) from the dungeon, exchange them for higher tier tokens, and use them as currency for these exchanges!

Desired Card Exchange Requirements

[7455] Yuga Ohdo & Sevens Road Magician [New]
Assist Evo:
x 3

[7457] Luke & Dragias the Striking Dragon [New]
Assist Evo:
x 3

[7451] Exodia the Forbidden One’s Right Arm [New]
x 1

[7452] Exodia the Forbidden One’s Left Arm [New]
x 1

[7453] Exodia the Forbidden One’s Right Leg [New]
x 1

[7454] Exodia the Forbidden One’s Left Leg [New]
x 1

[5814] Swords of Revealing Light Spell Card
x 5
 * One Exchange Only 

[5818] Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Medal (Rainbow)
x 5 or x 1

[5817] Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Medal (Gold)
x 5

[5816] Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Medal (Silver)
x 5
[5815] Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Medal (Bronze)

[5739] Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot)
x 2
 * One Exchange Only 

Ancient Tri-God Mask

x 5
 * One Exchange Only 

Jewel of Creation
* 6/28 (Mon) 10am ~ 7/5 (Mon) 9:59am JST
x 2
 * One Exchange Only 

Jewel of Creation
* 7/5 (Mon) 10am ~ 7/12 (Mon) 9:59am JST
x 2
 * One Exchange Only 

Various Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons
x 1

Collab dungeon

Dungeon drops the Medals needed for Monster Exchange. You can get 1 Magic Stone for completion if you haven’t done it before!

6 floors total, with 5x Skill Lv. up rates (no skill-up dungeons)

  • Challenge Duel (Top floor) – Drops evolution materials for Exodia (Arm and legs)
  • Mythical (has S-rank)
  • Legend, Master, Expert, Int difficulties as usual.
  • Multiplayer (3P) version available!
Skillup Tip from tb_ax (for 1st collab run, information may be outdated)

Running the topmost special training dungeon will skill up all REM cards that are monster cards from the Yugioh series, more specifically:

(Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 already comes max skilled.)

Meanwhile, the “normal” collab dungeon (int to myth) skills up characters from the show that aren’t Yugioh cards:

(Yugi and Tea already comes max skilled.)

I highly recommend bringing tape resist and (if you have Bakura ) either leading with him or not awakening his poison blessing awakenings before skilling him up. Bakura’s active also helps break Marik’s resolve.

Dungeon drops

One-Time Challenge Dungeon!

One clear only dungeon with the following reward when cleared:

  • Free roll of the collab gacha!
  • Yu-Gi-Oh DM Medal – Rainbow x 2

Dungeon JP name: 遊☆戯☆王DMチャレンジ! (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Challenge)

New cards

New Evolutions

[7436]/ Seto Kaiba & Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (uvo)
Attacker / Dragon / Physical

Active Skill: For 3 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50%; For 3 turns, 3x ATK for Water att.; Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: 9x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when 7+ combo; 2.1x all stats for Water att.

[7437]/ Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Card (assist evo)

Active Skill: For 3 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50%; For 3 turns, 3x ATK for Water att.; Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7438]/ Joey Wheeler & Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon (uvo)
Balanced / Dragon

Active Skill: For 1 turn, darks orbs are unmatchable; For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Fire att. (7 max CD)

Leader Skill: 1.5x HP and 15x ATK for Fire att.; Reduce dmg taken by 50% and +3 combo when matching 5 connected orbs in L shape

[7439]/ Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Card (assist evo)

Active Skill: For 1 turn, darks orbs are unmatchable; For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Fire att. (7 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

★7 Rarity card

[7440]/ Pegasus & Toon World
Balanced / Devil

Active Skill: Halves current HP; For 2 turns, reduce dmg taken by 100%; Transform to [7441] for the rest of the dungeon (20 max CD)

Leader Skill: HP and RCV increase according to number of Balanced and Devil type cards in team; 15x ATK when matching 5+ connected dark orbs

[7441]/ Pegasus & Relinquished (Transform)
Balanced / Devil

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Create 5 dark orbs from non-heart orbs; Lock dark orbs (2 max CD)

Leader Skill: HP and RCV increase according to number of Balanced, Devil and God type cards in team; 18x ATK and +4 combo when matching 5+ connected dark orbs

[7442] Toon World Magic Card (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Halves current HP; For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 100%; For 3 turns, bypass dmg absorb shield (13 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

★6 Rarity card

[7449]/ Exodia the Forbidden One Card

Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield; For 1 turn, 10x ATK for Light and Dark att. (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

When obtaining Exodia the Forbidden One’s Left arm, Right arm, Left leg and Right leg from Monster Exchange, it can Ultimate Evolve into the following card:
[7450]/ The Legendary Exodia Incarnate (Uvo)
God / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield; For 1 turn, 10x ATK for Light and Dark att. (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: HP and RCV increase according to number of God and Devil type cards in team; 3x ATK for Attacker type; 8x ATK when 5+ combo

[7459]/ The Legendary Exodia Incarnate Card (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield; For 1 turn, 10x ATK for Light and Dark att. (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7443]/ Weevil Underwood & Insect Queen

Active Skill: Delay allies’ active by 1 turn; For 1 turn, ATK increase according to number of poison resist awakening in team ( poison resist + count as 5) (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: 2.2x HP for Wood att.; 18x ATK when 6+ combo; Slightly reduce dmg taken and +2 combo when matching 6+ connected wood orbs

[7444] Insect Queen Card (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay allies’ active by 1 turn; For 1 turn, ATK increase according to number of poison resist awakening in team ( poison resist + count as 5) (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7445]/ Dinosaur Ryuzaki & Two-Headed King Rex
Attacker / Dragon

Active Skill: Delay enemies next move by 2 turns; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire, wood and heart orbs (11 max CD)

Leader Skill: [7×6 Board] 1.5x all stats for Dragon type; 8x ATK and slightly reduce dmg taken when fire and wood attack at once

[7446] Two-Headed King Rex Card (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay enemies next move by 2 turns; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire, wood and heart orbs (11 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7447]/ Summoned Skull
Devil / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, RCV and ATK increase according to number of Devil, Attacker and Physical type cards in team; Change light to dark orbs (6 max CD)

Leader Skill: [6 sec move time] 16x ATK for Devil type; Reduce dmg taken by 60% and +4 combo when matching 2+ dark combo

[7448] Summoned Skull Card (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 1 turn, RCV and ATK increase according to number of Devil, Attacker and Physical type cards in team; Change light to dark orbs (6 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

Monster Exchange

[7455]/ Yuga Ohdo & Sevens Road Magician
Balanced / Devil

Active Skill: Delay allies’ active by 1 turn; Fully recovers unmatchable status; For 1 turn, ATK increase for each fire and water att. card in team (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 60% when 8+ combo; 4x ATK and +3 combo when matching 5+ connected fire orbs

[7456] Sevens Road Magician Card (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay allies’ active by 1 turn; Fully recovers unmatchable status; For 1 turn, ATK increase for each fire and water att. card in team (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[7457]/ Luke & Dragias the Striking Dragon
Attacker / Dragon

Active Skill: Delay allies’ active by 1 turn; Fully recovers bind and awoken bind status; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns (9 max CD)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and deals 1,000,000 fix dmg when 7+ combo; 5x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 60% when 4+ colours attack at once

[7458] Dragias the Striking Dragon Card

Active Skill: Delay allies’ active by 1 turn; Fully recovers bind and awoken bind status; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns (9 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

Evolution Materials


Base Yugi

  • LS: 2x HP for Balanced type; 9x ATK when matching 9+ connected light or dark orbs
  • Awakening: added 

Transform Yugi

  • Active: Change fire, water, jammer, poison and bomb orbs to dark orbs; For 2 turns, increase combo by 2; For 2 turns, bypass dmg absorb shield (Max CD 10 > 6)
  • LS: 2x all stats 3x HP and 2x ATK & RCV for Devil type; Voids poison dmg; 10x 12x ATK and deals 1,000,000 6,000,000 fix dmg when matching 6+ 5+ connected dark orbs

Uvo Yugi

  • Active: Fully recovers awoken bind status; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns; Change top row to dark orbs, bottom row to light orbs
  • LS: 4x ATK and +2 +3 combo when matching 4+ connected light and dark orbs; 2x 2.5x HP and 5x ATK for Dark att.
  • Awakening: added
  • SA: added

Base Kaiba

  • Active: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, 2.5x ATK for Water att.; Change top and bottom row to water orbs
  • LS: 5x ATK for Water att.; Reduce dmg taken by 50% when HP is 80% 50% or above; 3.5x 4x ATK and deals 50,000 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected water orbs
  • Awakening: added
  • SA: added

Uvo Kaiba

  • Active: For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 100%; For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; Unlock all orbs; Create 15 water and dark orbs (Max CD 15 > 14)
  • LS: 5x ATK for Water att.; 5x ATK for Water att. and Reduce dmg taken by 35% 50% when HP is 50% or above; 4x ATK +3 combo when matching 6+ connected water orbs, +2 combo when matching 9+ connected water orbs
  • Awakening: added
  • SA: added

Kaiba Equip

  • Active: For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 100%; For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; Unlock all orbs; Create 15 water and dark orbs (Max CD 15 > 14)
  • Awakening: added

Base Marik

  • Active: For 1 turn, 2x RCV; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Dark att.; Unlock all orbs; Change wood to dark orbs; water to heart orbs (Max CD 8 > 6)
  • LS: 2x 2.2x HP and 6x ATK for Devil and God type; 3x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 25% and +3 combo when matching 2+ dark combo
  • Awakening: added
  • SA: added 

Uvo Marik

  • Added Balanced type Active: Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; For 1 turn, increase combo by 2; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield (Max CD 13 > 10)
  • LS: [No Skyfall] Increase combo by 3 when 5+ (including 4 + heart) colours attack at once; 2x 2.5x HP and ATK for Fire and Dark att.; 9x 10x ATK when 10+ combo
  • Awakening: added
  • SA: added

Marik Equip

  • Active: Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; For 1 turn, increase combo by 2; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield (Max CD 13 > 10)
  • Awakening: added


  • Active: Fully recovers HP, bind and awoken bind status; For 3 turns, recovers 20% 30% max HP; Replace all orbs
  • LS: 1.5x HP for Healer type; 4x ATK when 4+ colours attack at once; 4x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 25% 50% when heal over 50,000 HP with heart orbs
  • Awakening: added

Tea Equip

  • Active: Fully recovers HP, bind and awoken bind status; For 3 turns, recovers 20% 30% max HP; Replace all orbs
  • Awakening: added

Base Joey

  • Active: Deals 150x 200x ATK of fire dmg to all enemies; Change top row to fire orbs, bottom row to dark orbs
  • LS: 3x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when matching 5 connected fire orbs in L shape; 6x ATK, +1 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when 4+ colours attack at once
  • Awakening: added

Joey Equip

  • Active: Deals 150x 200x ATK of fire dmg to all enemies; Change top row to fire orbs, bottom row to dark orbs
  • Awakening: added


  • Active: Max CD 10 > 9
  • LS: ATK increase when 5+ combo, to the max 9x 20x ATK; 2x ATK Reduce dmg taken by 25% 60% and +2 combo when matching 2+ heart combo
  • Awakening:

Mai Equip

  • Active: Max CD 10 > 9
  • Awakening: added


  • LS: Reduce dmg taken by 35% 50% when HP is 50% or above; Voids poison dmg; 15x 18x ATK when matching 4+ connected poison or mortal poison orbs
  • Awakening: added

Bakura Equip

  • Awakening: added

Dark Magician

  • LS: 2x HP and ATK for Dark att.; 7x 10x ATK when skill is used; Slightly reduce dmg taken and increase combo by 1 2 when matching 9+ 5+ connected dark orbs
  • Awakening: added

Dark Magician Equip

  • Awakening: added

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

  • Active: For 1 turn, increase combo by 2; For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; Change 2 leftmost column to water orbs, 2 rightmost column to light orbs (Max CD 15 > 9)
  • LS: 1.5x 2.5x HP and 5x ATK for Dragon type; 3x ATK and +1 +4 combo when water and light attack at once
  • Awakening: added

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Equip

  • Active: For 1 turn, increase combo by 2; For 1 turn, bypass dmg absorb shield; Change 2 leftmost column to water orbs, 2 rightmost column to light orbs (Max CD 15 > 9)
  • Awakening: added 

Dark Magician Girl

  • Active: Max CD 6 > 4 LS: 1.5x 2x HP and 3.5x 5x ATK for Light and Dark att.; Orb move time +5 sec; 4x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 25% when healing over 50,000 with heart orbs

Dark Magician Girl Equip

  • Active: Max CD 6 > 4
  • Awakening: added


  • Active: For 1 2 turns, +0.3x ATK for every  Enhance Team HP awakening in team; Halves current HP
  • Awakening: added

Gandora Equip

  • Active: For 1 2 turns, +0.3x ATK for every  Enhance Team HP awakening in team; Halves current HP
  • Awakening: added 


  • Active: Deals 100,000 1,000,000 fix dmg to all enemies; Change 2 leftmost column to wood orbs, 2 rightmost column to dark orbs
  • Awakening: added

Gaia Equip

  • Active: Deals 100,000 1,000,000 fix dmg to all enemies; Change 2 leftmost column to wood orbs, 2 rightmost column to dark orbs
  • Awakening: added

Mystical Elf

  • Active: Max CD 10 > 7
  • Awakening: added

Mystical Elf Equip

  • Active: Max CD 10 > 7
  • Awakening: added

Winged Dragon Equip

  • Active: Max CD 10 > 7
  • Awakening: added


  • Active: Max CD 13 > 8

Additional roll buffs that happened in JP can be found here.

One Reply to “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Collab – 2nd Run!”

  1. Yo Daiske. Just make an orb skin of the element symbols from YGO TCG and make that a skin for Exodia. I will buy the bundle. Free money over here I need him

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