[Event] Halloween Special!! (Updated 10/29)
Halloween event! Every year Halloween becomes bigger and bigger in Japan… Even the PAD event is big too, with a Stream coming up!
Daily Magic Stone!
10/22 (Mon) 4am – 10/29 (Mon) 3:59am JST
1 Magic Stone a day, 7 total!
Daily Py Gacha!
10/29 (Mon) 4am – 11/05 (Mon) 3:59am JST
1 Py Gacha a day, 7 total!
- Starts after Daily Magic Stones above.
7x Skill Lv. Up Chance For New Technical Dungeon, Machine Noah Descended!
Duration: After maintenance on 10/30 (Tue), until 11/05 (Mon) 11:59pm!
7x Skill Level Up chance for the new technical dungeon, added in Version 16.0 Update! Solo-only.
Go skill one up during event, if you like her a lot!
New Descended Dungeon: Myne Descended & Descended Challenge (Stream)!
Snow Globe Dragon Invading Super-Ultimate Survey Rush (high rate)!
4 days only, 10/22 (Mon) 12am – 10/25 (Thu) 11:59pm JST
- High rate of Annihilation difficulty! Snow Globe Dragon Blanc or Noir at
- May also rarely show up in Mythical+ difficulty!
- Clear for
1 Magic Stone (even if you previously cleared)
Latent Tamadras Invading Descended Dungeons!
- High rates, not 100%.
- Invades on highest floor (Mythical, or Z-rank for PADZ collab).
Date (12am – 11:59pm) | Dungeon | Latent Tamadra |
10/29 (Mon) | Hera Beorc Descended ヘラ・ベオーク降臨! |
10/30 (Tue) | Cauchemar Descended コシュまる 降臨! |
10/31 (Wed) | PADZ Collab パズドラZ コラボ |
11/01 (Thu) | Satan Descended (No RCV) サタン 降臨!【回復なし】 |
11/02 (Fri) | Mephisto Descended (No RCV) メフィスト 降臨!【回復なし】 |
11/03 (Sat) | Noah Descended (All Attri.) ノア 降臨!【全属性必須】 |
11/04 (Sun) | Hera-Ur Descended ヘラ・ウルズ 降臨! |
Limited Time at Monster Point Store: Diamond Dragon Fruit!
10/29 (Mon) 12am – 11/04 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
During this time you can buy a
Diamond Dragon Fruit for 100,000 Monster Points each!1.5x Rate of Super Snow Globe at King Infestation!
Daily Guerilla, 10/30 (Tue) – 11/04 (Sun) JST
- Every day SKC!! See guerilla dungeon schedule to find your time slots.
- High rate for
Super Snow Globe Dragons which are needed for Limit Break!
- Doesn’t apply to coin dungeons or dungeons from mail.
Half Stamina for Selected Dungeons!
10/15 (Mon) 12am – 10/21 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
These dungeon will only cost half stamina!! Reminder that COIN DUNGEONS and CHALLENGE MODE WILL BE DISCONTINUED by the end of October, so run them!!!!
- All Normal Dungeons
- Selected Technical Dungeons: From Fertile Land (豊穣の大地) up to Paradise of the Holy Beast (聖獣達の楽園)
- All Coin Dungeons
5x Rank EXP for Multiplayer Descended Rush!
10/22 (Mon) 12am – 10/28 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
4x Rank EXP for Selected Technical Dungeons!!
10/29 (Mon) 12am – 11/04 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
This includes the machine techncial dungeons:
- Mechanical Goemon Descended / からくり五右衛門 参上!
- Machine Athena Descended (No Dupes) / マシンアテナ 降臨!【同キャラ禁止】
- Machine Zeus Descended/ マシンゼウス 降臨!【回復なし】
- Machine Hera Descended / マシンヘラ 降臨!
Weekday Dungeons Available on 2 Weekends!
Two weekends: 10/27 (Sat) 12am – 10/28 (Sun) 11:59pm JST,
11/03 (Sat) 12am – 11/04 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Tue/Wed/Thurs/Fri dungeons will be available during two weekends. Stock up on your Evo Materials!
Half Stamina: Weekday Dungeons!
10/30 (Tue) 12am – 11/04 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Weekday dungeons including one of the weekend Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri Dungeons gets half stamina! More reason to stock up on Evo materials!
- This includes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday dungeons.
Experience of a Lifetime (1 time)
10/22 (Mon) 12am – 11/04 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
200,000 EXP as usual. Use Ganesha or other EXP-boosting leaders for more EXP!
5x rate for Skill-up/Fusion
10/22 (Mon) 12am – 11/04 (Sun) 11:59pm JST