February Quest Dungeons
Complete quest by: 2/28 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
Quest menu expires: 3/7 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
Special dungeons lasting for a month, changes monthly. All co-opable!
Clear for a giant mix of rewards: +eggs, Magic Stones (8!), the 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra, and rushes!
Also featuring a way to get some PADR-only things like King Diamond Dragon!
Descends and Reward List
Full Clear
Clearing all Quests – King Diamond Dragon!
(That’s the one in banner. Previously it’s available as a reward in PAD Radar only. Sells for 100 million coins.)
Dungeon & Rewards
Updated on 2/9: Included Japanese name for easier name matching.
Floor (EN name) | JP name | Reward |
Ras |
ラス 降臨! | Snow Globe Dragon Noir (Lv. Max) |
Mion | ミオン 降臨! | Snow Globe Dragon Blanc (Lv. Max) |
Cosmo Crusader (No RCV) | コスモクルセイダー 降臨!【回復なし】 | Snow Globe Dragon Vert (Lv. Max) |
Hanuman (No dupes) | ハヌマーン 降臨!【同キャラ禁止】 | Snow Globe Dragon Bleu (Lv. Max) |
Hephaestus | ヘパイストス 降臨! | Snow Globe Dragon Rouge (Lv. Max) |
Hel | ヘル 降臨! | Badpy |
Deus Ex Machina | デウス=エクス=マキナ 降臨! | Shynpy |
Jord | ヨルズ 降臨! | Woodpy |
Aamir | アーミル 降臨! | Bubpy |
Zhou Yu (All attri.) | 周瑜 参上!【全属性必須】 | Flampy |
Sonia Gran | ソニア=グラン 降臨! | One-time only Jewel Rush! |
Thoth & Sopdet | トト&ソティス 降臨! | One-time only Lit Rush! |
Noah (All attri.) | ノア 降臨!【全属性必須】 | One-time only Dragon-ful Rush! |
Hera Sowilo | ヘラ・ソエル 降臨! | One-time only Masks Rush! |
Heracles | ヘラクレス 降臨! | One-time only Keeper Rush! |
Beelzebub | ベルゼブブ 降臨! | Woodsie (RCV +99) |
Zeus Dios | ゼウス・ディオス 降臨! | Flamie (ATK +99) |
Goemon | 大泥棒 参上! | Bubblie (HP +99) |
Zhang Fei (Phys/Attacker enhanced) | 張飛 参上!【体力攻撃強化】 | Predra |
Dragon Zombie (Dragon enhanced) | ドラゴンゾンビ 降臨!【ドラゴン強化】 | Pixelit |
Challenge Lv. 10 | チャレンジLv10 | 6 Magic Stones |
Lv.9 (No Skyfall Orbs) | チャレンジLv9【落ちコンなし】 | Ancient Tri-God Mask |
Lv.8 (No RCV) | チャレンジLv8【回復なし】 | Shynee (+297) |
Lv.7 (7×6 Board) | チャレンジLv7【7×6マス】 | Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Lv.6 | チャレンジLv6 | 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra |
Lv.5 | チャレンジLv5 | Jewel of Creation |
Lv.4 | チャレンジLv4 | One-time Extreme EXP Rush! |
Lv.3 (tri-color) | チャレンジLv3【3色限定】 | King Tamadra |
Lv.2 (tri-color) | チャレンジLv2【3色限定】 | Snow Globe Dragon Rouge (Lv. Max) |
Lv.1 (tri-color) | チャレンジLv1【3色限定】 | Grand Predra |
Note: C1-3 and Dragon Zombie Descended are Normal Dungeons. Completing those 4 rewards a Magic Stone. Clear all of the rest (technical dungeons) for another stone.
Details on the Rushes
- One-time Extreme EXP Rush: 8 Extreme King Metal Tamadras.
- One-time only Keeper Rush: Keeper (1 each), Rainbow Keeper, Keeper of Gold.
- One-time only Masks Rush: R/B/G/L/D Masks of Lowest tier (Spaghetti) and Divine (the 3-eyed ones), Mystic Mask, Ancient Green/Blue Sacred Masks.
- One-time only Dragon-ful Rush: 1 each of Dragon Seed, Plant, Flower, Fruit, Red Dragon Fruit, Blue Dragon Fruit, Green Dragon Fruit.
- One-time only Lit Rush: R/B/G/L/D of small and Dub-lits, Mythlit, Dub-Mythlit, Angelit, Devilit.
- One-time only Jewel Rush: TWO of R/B/G/L/D Jewels.
The New 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra

[4175] 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra
Awoken Material / Enhance Material / Vendor
Active Skill: (6-Year Anniversary Tamaa!) Inflict 6 damage (true damage) to 1 enemy 6 times.
Leader Skill: Fuse in Power-up Fusion menu to unlock the Base Card’s Awoken Skills.
- Fuse to Base Card for 6,000,000 EXP (for off-color), or sell for 600,000 coins and 60,000 Monster Points!