GungHo (JP) and the 50.2 Million Yen Fine

In case you haven’t heard yet: GungHo was fined 50.2 million Yen for the Heroine Uvo fiesco. Here’s the background story…

Official report from Government of Japan, Consumer Affairs for the fine.

Recap of what happened

Back in February 2017, Heroine gacha was happening on JP as part of anniversary event. During the anniversary stream at the time, YamaP said that all 13 of the Heroines will get Uvo. Well, that wasn’t the case — Only Uruka and Ilmina got Ultimate Evolutions (Uvo) at the time, everyone else got regular evolutions. Pretty much a false advertisement there.

Eventually GungHo did give (HUGE AMOUNTS OF) in-game compensations to JP players for the mistake, but that wasn’t enough. The Government of Japan (Consumer Affairs) took it seriously and punished GungHo with warnings, and now a fine. JP Live Streams of PAD completely stopped, and even when there are videos, YamaP was removed or his appearance is pre-recorded (to ensure he doesn’t screw up again).

The fine

Since GungHo voluntarily reported the case, the fine was reduced by half, to 50.2 million yen. This is actually half of their self-reported value of their revenue, from 11/30 to 2/26. They have up to 10/29 this year to pay it off, but with how much they make annually… I’m sure it’s fine (pun not intended).

Annnnd that’s why YamaP isn’t allowed to be on streams, and JP stopped streams for so long!

Lesson of the day — know your PAD terms. Uvo isn’t the same as Evo…