[Hype] 6-Year Anniversary Stream & New Descended Dungeon!! (Updated 2/20)
2/20 is PAD’s 6th birthday! Finally an official stream coming as well! What will be shown are:
- PAD Radar player vs. player battles
- New Descended dungeon (Hexazeon, see below), along with gameplay
- New Uvos
- Event news!
If the performers beat the new descend without using Stones, all players on JP server will get a “super awesome present”!!
Updated 2/21: Stream reveals can be found here.
Updated 2/19: More information revealed: Guest lineup on stream, Hexazeon stats.
Originally posted on February 14, 2018.
Stream reveals can be found here. Huge page, lots of pics, you’re warned!
Where to watch the Stream on 2/20:
- YouTube: https://youtu.be/5IPoN6BKgec
- Nico Nico: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv311023246
Updated (2/19): Guest lineup announced!
- 岩井勇気(ハライチ)- Yuki Iwai (JP comedian)
- まお(Mirrativ) – Spring Mao
- マックスむらい(AppBank) – Max Murai
- コスケ – Kosuke
- ぱぷりか – Paprika
- ダチョー – Dacho
- なっち – Natti (Artemis looover)
- ガイモン – Gaimon
- スー☆(パズドラ認定プロゲーマー)- Suu (PAD recognized Pro-Gamer)
- 大塚角満(VTR出演) – Kadoman Otsuka (on video, pre-recorded)
- 長友愛莉(VTR出演) – Airi Nagatomo (on video, pre-recorded)
- 山本大介プロデューサー(VTR出演) – YamaP (On video, pre-recorded)
- …など – Etc. (More people??)
YamaP still isn’t allowed to say anything live, after the Heroine fiasco..
Also they’ll talk about gameplay of Chrono Ma:gia (the new card game by YamaP) on stream. Hopefully it won’t take 3 hours.
New Descended dungeon – Hexazeon Descended!
Dungeon will be available 2/20 (Tue) 9pm – 2/25 (Sun) 11:59pm JST.
Debut on stream will be another dragon, see Stream banner for how it looks like! The boss is Frosty Dragon of Six Skies, Hexazeon (六天の星霜龍・ヘキサゼオン, rough translation). All the 6’s for the 6-year anniversary.
3 difficulties available: Mythical, Mythical+, and Annihilation. See Event for associated quest.
Dungeon music by Kenji Ito.
Hexazeon – Card Stats
Updated (2/19): Stats revealed!
Hexazeon (Uvo)
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs. Enhance all orbs. Increase orb movement time by 2 times for 1 turns. (16 max CD, 66 turn CD at Lv. 1)
Leader Skill: None.
- Animated!
- Them stats. This is limit broken, Lv. 110 stats, after Uvo.
- Super awakenings:
- Note that high cost too.
Evolution Materials
Nordis, 3 new minerals, Diamond Dragon Fruit.
New Evo mats names: Pyroxene is a type of mineral rock.
- Yellow Pyroxene (黄の輝石・ムコウノマガタマ)
- Purple Pyroxene (紫の輝石・トコヤミノカガミ)
- Green Pyroxene (緑の輝石・ヒスイノセイケン)