[Day 2 Added] June Bride 2023 Rerun Teaser
It’s June of the Bride Season! This time, finally a new groom joining, along with Bride Zela’s new evolution and Bride Phenom’s Recolor!

Devil / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 1.5x max HP; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Water att.; Unlock all orbs; Create 5 water and heart orbs (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: [12 sec move time] 28x ATK when skill is used; Reduce dmg taken by 75% and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when water and heart attack

Dragon / Devil

Active Skill: Create a 2×2 size cloud that last for 1 turn; Unlock all orbs; Create 3 light and dark orbs (1 max CD)
Leader Skill: 7x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 25% and +3 combo when light and dark attack; 3x HP and ATK for Light and Dark att.


Active Skill: Create 1 roulette that last for 3 turns; Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; Transform to [10167] for the rest of the dungeon (28 max CD)
Leader Skill: [7×6 board] 20x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and deals 1 fix dmg when fire, water and light attack


Active Skill: Create 1 roulette that last for 1 turn; For 1 turn, 2x RCV and orb move time; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Light att. (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 25x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 75% and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when fire, water and light attack; 3x RCV for God type

Devil / Attacker

Active Skill: [1] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to wood, light and heart orbs; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield; Evolve skill to stage [2] (18 max CD)
[2] Create 1 wood/light/heart roulette that last for 1 turn; For 1 turn, 1.5x orb move time (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x ATK and +1 combo for each 5 connected wood, light or heart orbs matched; 2.5x ATK and RCV and reduce dmg taken by 75% when wood and light attack

Dragon / Balanced

Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, only wood, light and heart orbs appear; Replace all orbs (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 30x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when wood, light and heart attack; 2.2x HP for Wood and Light att.
Cecilia looks really really cute like one of the best art in the game. but am i the only one feel this game is dying…? both JP and NA. hope not
unfortunately, I think it is. They try adding new mechanics, but given the fact that they are all behind a pay wall, it’s harder to become invested like before
interest is waning for a lot of players. my friends list is all people who havent logged in and I did a purge less than a year ago so these are all players who were active in the last year. its hard to care about new stuff when its an orb skin or music that cant be traded for and is honestly overpriced even in JP where the conversion is better, when the main stone source is paywalled behind a grindy set of quest dungeons I dont want to do, or when the new character means I have to remove a character I like from my old team. I still love Nautilus. I don’t want to play rainbow but Naut is too weak so I have to play teams I dont have fun playing and I havent been ‘lucky’ to roll anything good and dont have a shield cycle active like arend because I havent been ‘lucky’ and I got Oak and Naut instead if SWD so I cant even play new content
The game is more than 10 years old, I’m glad they at least keep it running with new contents here and there. JP is still kicking with 8p lobbies full of people playing, so I guess the situation there is alot better than at NA
It’s never been a popular game I’ve been playing since middle school and coming here to see new updates and the game always have been slower on na but yea in Korea u can Gina like two people playing at a time on the subways
The game has gotten much worse! The latest round of buffs to hit NA only showcase how absolutely awful leads with less than 5x HP are for attempting anything new, and how impossible and arbitrary supergravity is (2%, .5% dmg etc), meanwhile out of the two leaders they know everyone SHOULD have Seatona is straight up better with 5.2x HP and a significantly more powerful actives; so if a dungeon is remotely challenging for Seatona, then its just really THAT much harder for RoyalNaut. And nothing you can exchange for comes close to being as good, they’ve completely blown up the dupe exchange mechanic by making the only good stuff cost $$$.
It is insane that they just buffed the Fairies with levitate but they have nowhere close to the HP needed to do this months supergrav quests. I have one option (royalnaut lol) for attempting endgame and he’s just terribly unfortunate.
tl;dr This 5x HP meta has positively ruined both team building and reasons to roll for new cards in just a few months. None of the fun leads we liked in the past can win. Most of the new stuff is also far under the ‘desirable’ range of HP. How is that not a huge bummer?
cant wait to see how bride zela performs in the 2024 meta when when finally releases in NA!
Happy to see a bride husbando but they could have given us homobwos something better. fujobait isnt interesting art-wise
Love how June Bride Sheena looks totally sloshed and that her Active Skill reflects that by putting clouds on the board every turn. Looks like she’s been through a lot since she first debuted in the Heroine series. Can’t blame her, if my dragon familiar was D’spinas, I’d be drunk right now too. 😀
Come to think of it, D’spinas isn’t in the artwork with Sheena this time around… it would explain where the materials for the fancy chair came from though, so there’s that.
what an easy skip event
Norza gives me erections with those tentacles and thats it
With June Bride Norza now in the mix, that means that the last seasonal Great Witch 2 in the series remaining should be PAD Island Aljae. Guess they still need to finish off the Dracoblades with a seasonal variant of Kyori too, but between the two, Aljae seems more likely given the pattern.
I want Bikinyori.
Would be hilarious if she takes everything off except for the mask just to troll everyone. 😀
I want my diaochan buff and KOF Kula and K. Kula should be ice,ice light and K should be Fire fire dark. Are we gonna get street fighter back seen VI is coming.
I just don’t think pad is seen as a big game that companies think of as who they want to collaborate with to promote new games or anime events anymore