Light Bastet, Finally Added to Monster Exchange!
Permanent addition starting after maintenance: 2/19 (Wed) 8:00am JST
Sources Light Bastet!
Light Bastet is finally available at Monster Exchange!!
Monster Exchange
Exchange 5 Event Medal – Black for a Light Bastet!!
Desired card | Exchange this in |
[4993] Aubade Breeze Feline Goddess, Bastet 陽風の愛猫神・バステト |
[5155] Event Medal – Black |
x 5
Bastet was buffed!
Card information
Buffs included.

Aubade Breeze Feline Goddess, Bastet


Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 4060 | 5050 |
ATK | 1807 | 2302 |
RCV | 425 | 722 |
Active Skill: (6 ➧ 1)
For 1 turn, all attacks become mass attack
Leader Skill: [2.25/225/1, 43.75%]
1.5x HP & ATK for God type; 5x ATK on the turn a skill is used; 2x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 6 or more combos
oh my just the card I wasen’t waiting for, for 25 rainbow event medals. Lol jking even though I’ve never really been a fan of the bastet hype, I know he’s an insanely popular leader with a huge fan base who will grab this card regardless of being not so meta in a card game full of OP light subs.