Magic: The Gathering (MTG) Collab – Details! (Updated 6/25 – Rates)
The collab a lot of us are excited for, finally here with details! Magic: The Gathering (MTG) collab’s first time on PAD, packed with great cards! No cards in Monster Point store! Yes there’s a free roll and Special Bundle as usual. Are you and your wallet ready? Time for Magic Stone: The Gathering!
Update 6/23: Formatting and Monster Exchange list updated!
Update 6/22: Nicol Bolas got a nerf even before the collab starts! Max skill cooldown changed from 16 to 18.
Gacha (Egg Machine) Lineup
Click on the card for card information at PDX database, or see New Cards section for translations.


Collab Details
Free REM roll
Gacha will be in mail for everyone (no rank requirement)!
Special Bundle: 1 Magic Stone + Collab Gacha for 120 yen! (1.09 USD)
- Like recent collabs, you can purchase this deal at the Shop!
- It may show up as “1 Magic Stone + Gacha Set D” (魔法石1個+ガチャセットD).
- Gacha will be in your mail!
Collab Dungeon
Drops include the following:
p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>
Jhoira’s Familiar Llanowar Elves Lord of the Pit (Dungeon boss, Ultimate Evolves to Demonlord Belzenlok
Special dungeon drop: Navigator’s Compass, evolves into Weatherlight (Assist Evo).

Cards dropped from the dungeon skills up the corresponding REM cards. They can be traded in at the Monster Exchange in the Shop menu as well, for the ones you need (see below). 3P co-op version of the dungeon will be available too!
Monster Exchange
Trading in for ★6 REM Cards
The highest rarity cards can be obtained through Monster Exchange at Shop menu, through trading in 4 of any of the listed cards. Ult. Evo. of the cards are not accepted.
Below are the ★6 rarity cards from the gacha that you can also trade for:
Desired card | Trade 4 of these in (Base or first evolution only, dupes ok) |
Karn カーン |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
Nicol Bolas ニコル・ボーラス |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
Jhoira ジョイラ |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
Vraska ヴラスカ |
Collab: Godfest Exclusives: |
Trading in Assist Evo for Base Form!
Important note: You can trade in an Assist Evo card for the base form!! For example, if you made Assist Evo of Karn, you can exchange for base form of Karn (1:1 exchange). This is especially important since you cannot revert Assist Evolutions. For instance, you can trade in
Assist Evo of Karn for Base form of Karn.Collab Dungeon Drop (Regular Cards)
Also, collab dungeon drops (the cards, used for skilling up REM cards) can be traded in for other cards (trade in 4 of the cards for the desired one). DO NOT confuse these with the Premium Cards (Assist Evo of ★6 REM cards)!!
New Cards!! (& Poll)
★5 cards


Active Skill: 4x ATK for Wood attributes for 1 turn. (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when matching 2 or more Heart orbs. 50% damage reduction when matching 5 Heart orbs in a cross formation.


Active Skill: Deals damage equal to 10% of enemies’ maximum HP. Change left-most and right-most columns to Fire orbs. (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x ATK when attacking with 2 or more combos of Fire orbs. 2x ATK when matching 5+ connected Fire orbs.


Active Skill: Deal Dark damage equal to 50x of team’s Dark Attack value to all enemies. Change top row to Dark orbs. Lock Dark orbs. (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x ATK and RCV for Dark attribute. 3x ATK when matching 6+ connected Dark orbs.


Active Skill: Delay enemies by 1 turn. Lethally poison all enemies. (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x HP and 4x ATK for Water attribute. Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. 2x RCV when matching 4 Heart orbs.


Active Skill: Slightly reduce damage taken for 3 turns. Increase combo count by 1 for 3 turns. (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: 5x ATK when HP is above 50%. 8x ATK when HP is below 20%. May survive a single hit that would normally kill you with 1 HP (resolve).


Active Skill: Unlock all orbs. Change Wood, Jammer and Poison orbs to Light orbs. (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP and RCV for Light attribute. 3x ATK when matching 5 or more combos.


Active Skill: Reduce enemies’ defense to 0 for 1 turn. 3x ATK for Dragon type for 1 turn. (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP and ATK for Dragon type. 2.5x ATK when matching 5+ connected Fire orbs.
★6 cards

Devil / Balanced

Active Skill: 2x RCV for 3 turns. Unlock all orbs, and change all orbs to Wood, Dark and Heart orbs. (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP and 4x ATK for Wood attributes. Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds. 3x ATK when matching Wood and Dark orbs.


Active Skill: 2x RCV for 3 turns. Unlock all orbs, and change all orbs to Wood, Dark and Heart orbs. (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: None


Active Skill: Recover 50% of total HP and remove all binds & awoken binds. 1 turn haste for team. (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: Board becomes 7×6 in size. 3x ATK when attacking with Water and Fire. 3x ATK and reduce damage taken when 8 or more combos are matched.
- Yet another card 10 combo awakening!


Active Skill: Recover 50% of total HP and remove all binds & awoken binds. Other allies’ skills charge by 1 turn. (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: None

Dragon / Devil

Active Skill: Void all damage taken for 1 turn. 2 turns haste for team. (18 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No Skyfall orbs] 2.5x ATK and reduce damage taken when matching 5+ combos. Increase ATK based on the amount of orbs leftover on the board (8 or less orbs), up to 12x ATK.


Active Skill: Void all damage taken for 1 turn. 2 turn haste for team. (18 max CD)
Leader Skill: None

Machine / Physical

Active Skill: Recover all HP. Change all orbs to Light, Heart, and Jammer orbs. (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: 3x ATK and slightly reduce damage taken when matching 4+ connected Jammer orbs. 4x ATK and slightly reduce damage taken when matching 2+ combos of Jammer orbs.


Active Skill: Recover all HP. Change all orbs to Light, Heart and Jammer orbs. (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: None
Dungeon Drops


Active Skill: Increase the drop rate of Poison orbs for 1 turn. Randomly spawn 3 Dark and Poison orbs. (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.5x ATK for Devil type. 4x ATK when matching 6+ combos. Halves ATK & damage received when matching Poison or Mortal Poison orbs.


Active Skill: Haste team by 1~3 turn (random). (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: Cannot be used directly as sub on a team. Cannot have latent awakenings.
- Yes it’s random. You read it right.
- Cannot be used as leader or sub. Assist only!
- AppMedia has tested the skill – Certainly random, see the turns hasted on each Whaledor. See pic below:


Active Skill: Haste team by 1~3 turn (random). (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: Cannot be used directly as sub on a team. Cannot have latent awakenings.