[Misc.] Duel Masters Black Box Pack, Featuring Athena Non Artwork!
Not exactly PAD game related, but Duel Masters got an Athena card! Don’t you miss PAD Trading Card Game (TCG) now?
The Black Box
Duel Masters series have this Mysterious Black Box Pack, which literally black box of random cards, with no information whatsoever. All you know is you get 6 random Duel Masters cards in a booster pack, or if you get a box, there’s 20 packs. Each booster pack only costs 275 yen ($2.51 USD).

This pack is officially released tomorrow (1/25), but there was a presale last week at a local event (World Hobby Fair 2020), and some people bought it. Many reported this gem: Athena Non!
Maybe Duel Masters collab will return this year? Maybe we’ll see this art in PAD (I wish)? Who knows, the art is gorgeous anyways.
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I want that art for Athena-NON card in PAD!
If we get it, it will probably be for a different Athena Non, unless they start giving seven star GFEs split ults or Awoken evolutions. It is possible that we could get a collab version of Athena Non, like how there are the Another versions of PAD cards in Shinrabansho.