[Misc] Marasy’s New Piano Piece, Inspired by Miru

Marasy, the pianist who played his piece for Karin years back during a GungHo live stream, wrote a new song! Song name is Mille, which is inspired by

Miru (Myr).

Music enthusiasts should check out the video, amazing animation too!


Marasy (JP: まらしぃ) is a Japanese pianist who specializes in anime and game music (and medleys), for piano. He has released quite a few CDs, and had a few concerts in Japan (which I sadly have missed). Occasionally you can watch his live streams on YouTube!

It’s also his birthday today, and YamaP wished him a Happy Birthday too!!

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YouTube video

Watch Miru transform! It’ll be played in Marasy’s upcoming live tour.

Older PAD-related videos


PAD background music

Played live during PAD 4th year anniversary stream!

A lot of Japanese players do hope to see Marasy live again sometime in future GungHo streams. Let’s hope it’ll happen!