[Misc.] [NA server] Mysterious Egg Machine on NA data download

Oh yeah,  hi everyone I’m sorta back.

Upc noticed this banner added to NA server. But… Is this a PEM? Or a REM?

Hmmmmm no clue, so stay tuned.


For those interested in what happened, I’ll make a separate post later to talk about it. It has been an eventful month on my end…

And also I bought the PAD Playing Cards, which I will also post about too later.

Oh yeah don’t worry, I didn’t forget the Beach and Dragon Quest posts. 😀

26 Replies to “[Misc.] [NA server] Mysterious Egg Machine on NA data download”

  1. Did you check the “lineup” button? I think it might be a new Collab that JP won’t get, such as a Marvel reskin.

    1. Collabs, seasonal, Godfests, and the like have card images on their banners. They do not put collab data in-game unless an announcement is following soon after, so it would not make sense for it to be that. It is also unlikely that it came with card data, which they could not locate, not to mention it was too small. They have not added placeholders before, and there would be little point in doing so, meaning that it is likely not one. As it has been said, what is shown there is just assets, there is no functionality behind them.

      1. But maybe they accidentally pushed the egg machine banner whereas they didn’t mean to push anything

        1. That would be even weirder though, and an incredibly difficult mistake to make. At the very least, it is basically impossible for it to be a collab placeholder, and definitely impossible for it to be an incomplete collab banner art (as that would not even be in a position to accidentally upload it to the server).

        1. But there is nothing there to suggest that. All we have is a new banner that suggests a new PEM, a new REM, or the off chance that they are making the decision to visually differentiate between the different PEMs. Everything about it suggests that it is not a collab, much less a reskin.

          1. I was thinking about the whole different PEM as well. The NA server should be getting the Gung-ho Collab rerun again soon. I was thinking maybe they’ll make the blue one the PEM for Gung-ho collab so they can still have the normal PEM up simultaneously.
            That’s just a guess though. Could be just an asset change though.

      1. I want to farm with my Captn Marvel and that yellow monogatari girl like all the damn clear videos…

      1. Japan only, it was only a short time at Lawson convenience store here unfortunately! To make it worse, only select shops across Japan carried it…

    1. I was too. It came out of nowhere, had no announcement, was small, didn’t make sense to correspond with anything just yet, and came with seemingly nothing. Seems like we might have another NA first addition, which is rather exciting to think about.

      1. Maybe it will be a an egg machine that we can roll by watching video ads. 🤔 It would be cool to put it some of the old trash rolls that are collectibles now like Gamble Mage.

  2. Turns out it’s a curated REM that you can roll by watching ads.

    Not sure if this means ads are making them a lot of money, so they’re doubling down, or if this means that the rest of their business isn’t making enough money, so they’re getting desperate.

    1. the blog is on its way to the cemetery. PaD is also oke of those free to play games that inconveniences you so much that you pay money or “watch an ad” to do anything. I kid you not. Less than 6 months from now we will have watching ads to continue dungeons and the NA server will shutdown in 1 year.

      1. Lol, just wait till I’m out of this “quarantine” life then I’m back full motion… just too hard to do much when I’m in hotel 80% of the time (without a second monitor).

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