New addition at Monster Point Store: Amage!
New addition to the Monster Point store for you to… burn your Monster Points?
About this
Permanent addition, costs 5,000,000 Monster Points, live tomorrow 7/13 (Tue) 12pm JST.
New cards
Ominous Hazard Dragon, Amage
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 100%; For 2 turns, 3x RCV; For 2 turns, 3x ATK for Dark att.; For 2 turns, increase combo by 3 (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: None
Dark Mist Ominous Hazard Dragon, Amage (Uvo)
Dragon / Devil
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce dmg taken by 50%; For 2 turns, 3x RCV; For 2 turns, 3x ATK for Dark att.; For 2 turns, increase combo by 3 (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: [6 sec move time] 2x HP for Dragon and Devil type; Reduce dmg taken by 50% when 4+ combo; 35x ATK when 5+ combo
6 sec move time. Whyd they feel the need to cripple him. 5mil MP doesnt need that. Whats wrong with free to play strong leads
they even stuck him with TPAs. those are dead weight and will never be used.
Except they’re already planning on bolstering Two-Pronged Attack.
the comment was made before the news about the TPA buff was posted.
The damage cap has been pseudo-raised by way of a latent awakening available to super limit broken cards but only to 2x. cards like Sophie, Magneto, GH Raphael, Jiraiya, and Revo Haoh are common choices for subs to reach the double damage cap.
inb4 “35x atk with 5 combo” Captain Marvel teams have sever subs and leads that hit damage cap through a combination of edamame and combo awakenings with 2 light combos and a 14x multiplier. Atk multipliers don’t mean anything as long as the cap exists and this leaderskill and cards awakenings are bad because if it. Good luck making FUA, VDP, meeting high combo shields in 6 seconds every turn after turn in end game dungeons.
I’m sure they’ll eventually raise the damage cap. It’s not fixed in diamond, is it?
the apple transitioned iOS is a 64 bit only operating system all apps had to become 64 bit. the damage cap in PAD is the integer cap of 32 bits (biggest positive or negative number). GungHo was deliberate in keeping the damage cap after the 64 bit transition.
So, it was fixed in diamond. Then, Gungho made it into a game mechanic and designed dungeons like shura 3 and mysterious dimension around the damage cap’s limit and the damage cap latent’s doubling of it.
Because it is very easy to hit the first cap and not much effort to hit the second cap with low multipliers, high multipliers like Shirou or this new guy don’t really have the advantage over a lead with a 20x atk that they might seem to first have.
The assist isn’t bad. I mean, skill boost and 3 team hp. Aside from that nothing I’m looking to use MP on. Anyways, I blew through a lot of em when I ran out of SDR. Lol.
Its nice as a substitute for the amekozuko-whatever card that you can trade one time for medals. I hope the skill level has a really long cooldown! Its just that 5mil MP is almost a year of pad pass 25th day dungeons (at tier 5 already) and completing monthly dungeons that give and anniversary tamadra. By the time people with only 1 mil or so MP now earn enough to get this card its gonna be so far behind the meta and it’s already starting in 8th place now. If the 6s was removed or changed to 10s or so it would be a free to play lead that is attainable without needing to already have a strong team. It would be very fair to free to play players. My favorite times to play pad have been the RaDra and Dath meta because it was available and fair to all players (even though the main RaDra team had very strict rem requirements but lits of subs existed)
The only thing this guy cannot do is getting 10-c awakenings to work. I mean 6 sec move time isnt that bad why do ppl get so pissed. He is even more manageable than gorkaos (only requires combo not rainbow in exchange of 1sec move time) with same huge multiplier and durability. Hell he can even be paired with another combo boost/FUA leader to solve these problems.
Only thing that makes him so farfetched might be his high price tag; it might not be practical for average F2P players who spent tons of free MPs onto keys, seals and fairy bags events.
Guys, remember when the base move time was 5s?
I remember when it was 4s. The game was very different then and all you had to do was combo or combo certain colors. almost all your active skills were orb changers to help get the colors you needed, a heart or maker, or a Menace for delay. Now there are mobs like the three alberts and we have enemies with 8c shield, vdp, and resolve. Theres a good change you’ll have leftover spinner, hazard skyfall, or no skyfall debuffs to at boss floors. You weren’t even around for 4s so you don’t have any idea what it was like back then. quit trying to be a contrarian. This card is bad as a lead.