New Descend Dungeon: Shiva Dragon Descended! (Assist Invalid)
6/27 (Mon) 12:00pm - 7/3 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Sources New Descended Dungeon!
The fourth dragon from the MP dragon series to get a srevo!
About the dungeon
- Fix leader and fix helper
- Difficulty: Annihilation Plus (絶壊滅級) only
- If it’s the same, 5x Skillup rate on debut!
First clear rewards
Dungeon Floor (Non-3P) | First Clear Reward |
Annihilation Plus | Event Medal – Rainbow x 1 |
New cards
Super Reincarnated Shiva Dragon (Srevo)
God / Dragon / Physical

God / Dragon / Physical

Active Skill: [1] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire orbs; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Evolve skill to stage [2] (17 max CD) [2] Change bottom 2 rows to fire orbs (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 8x ATK when team’s rarity is 35 or below; 3x ATK and RCV for Fire att.; 4x HP for God type
dang, makes me want to get multiple shivadras now
7c equip is everywhere now, maybe soon we will hit the first 10c equip
it makes me unexcited for the supergravity dungeons. in the last big news drip they teased some soft fix for the double damage cap to make monsters more tanky with gravity shields on top of all the stuff that exists. I think they showed off a cool looking dragon that is supposed to be the boss for the dungeon. I think these 7c amd rainbow equips will be nevisaary to get a clear so make your equips now
Nah. All the dungeon were cleared in Japan before those assists became a thing. If anything, those assists might make the dungeons more accessible to more casual players.
He’s talking about the newest dungeon that hasn’t been released yet, that being the one with the newer gravity function that hasn’t come out yet.