New REM Card for Byakurenko
Clarification: I read too fast unfortunately and it should be a new REM card introduced along the 2nd line up of Illusionary Artist REM
A new “Hundred” Title challenge is coming with the introduction of a new REM form for the Hundred Dragon Byakurenko!!
New Card


Active Skill: [1] Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Change enemies’ att. to Wood att.; Evolve skill to stage [2] (28 max CD)
[2] For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 10,000,000,000; For 1 turn, change enemies’ att. to Wood att.; Unlock all orbs; Change top row to fire orbs (2 max CD)
Leader Skill: 8x ATK, +3 combo and deals 1,000,000 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected fire orbs; 5x all stats for Dragon type
New Title Challenge
A new “Hundred” (or “Type-100”) title challenge will be introduced soon
Full details including exchanging the new card will be out at a later date
The exchange will possibly like Gokrex the UN6 boss!
Looks like Byakurenko just simultaneous set the record for the highest AS damage cap at 10 billion and the most Skill Boost on a Assist with 4x!
Hitting the 10 billion damage cap also has great implications for future cards and powercreep now that it has set a precedent for incrementing a full digit… for better or worst. Many thought 9.9 billion was the technical limit due to how often the number has come up on recent cards like Atelie or Dizee, but it seems like it didn’t take GungHo long at all to bust that preconception into the ground.
most likely when they had to add the damage cap break latents they switched from using 32 bit integer to a 64 bit integer for damage so it is going to be a while before they hit those technical limits. The max 64 bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or over 9 quintilion.
Yup! The update was several years ago and humorously was proven later possible by card thumbnail multipliers actually being able to go that high, even when actual damage cannot. Go higher than the 64-bit integer though and the game displays “x-1” for the scaling multiplier as proof that you just broke the game. 😀
Ah! Just to clarify though, I was leaning a bit more towards the UI display number as the bottleneck, rather than the absolute maximum numerical value. Until the recent update that truncated damage numbers in JP, GungHo might have not have been able to properly display such a large damage number which discouraged them from actually going up to 10 billion until now, especially since damage numbers are animated which makes them more fragile to work with.
4 SBs with 4 turns delay. That’s 8 effective SBs on top of 1 single weapon assist.
And I thought 3 SBs equip that dissolves itself upon use is crack enough.
Sorry, here’s a clarification:
The new Byakurenko should be a new REM card instead of evo from the farmable UN1 boss. This is a mistake on my side for reading too fast at the middle of the night.
Thank you for the clarification, Karyu! No worries! 😀
From what I gather, this new version of Byakurenko will be kind of a similar deal to Aggregate, featured mainly as a REM card, but also potentially exchangeable for materials to be announced later.