New Fest Exclusive: Artorius
Artorius the last of the King series makes a debut in the new SGF!
Debut in SGF
Card Stats
Knight King of Oath, Artorius (Transform)
Balanced / Dragon

Balanced / Dragon

Active Skill: For 1 turn, ATK increase according to number of fire row awakening in team; Change dark to fire orbs, water to heart orbs (2 max CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce dmg taken by 55% and +4 combo when matching 6+ connected fire orbs; 2x HP and 20x ATK when team’s total rarity is 32 or below
I like his art but I never get why they don’t just animate the 7-start gfes to keep things consistent
Ok, so Artorius is 8 rarity after transform. If you are running him as Leader and Helper, 16 out of the 32 rarity for the team is already compromised. That leaves 16 rarity to distribute among 4 subs…
Even with the rarity of pantheon SRevos and Revos being lowered, you still can’t run 4. You’d have to either have an incomplete team or run some real low rarity as your last 2 subs or so. What is this card…
32 rarity is use too small number. imagine running only 8 stars. no top tier cards at all
It’s 32 total rarity, of which the leads count. Assuming you manage to find a decent 6 star lead to pair with, you only have 18 rarity left to work with. Meaning subbing 8 stars is not even reasonable, since even one 8 star at that point means having 10 cost to divvy up between three subs.
*10 rarity
I mean, there are only a handful of good 9, let alone 10, star cards that you would be subbing on to him. Honestly, there are not even a ton of 8s, most of them are 7s. Since SRevo Pantheons are now 6 stars on top of that, it does not sound like it will be all that hard to build a good team even if you want to include a 10 star.
Does the rarity count include the helper unit?
I think it does just like it does when calculating avg rarity in scored challenges (where the highest rank is S-rank)
I guess that makes sense. Just thinking how the “Pixel Evo” and such clauses don’t include the helper lead.
That honestly is a good point. It would make sense given the recent change they made to pantheons. It would also not make the card basically unusable, and it would fit in with the way all specific group leader skills work. In fact, Pixel, as well as Revo/SRevo, leader skills do not count either lead, not just helpers. For some reason they do not specify that it is only subs, but they still work that way.
So subs must be 6-stars or lower. That’s a huge bottleneck considering all the meta leads are still doing fine without such a punishing restriction like this one. Also the lower rarity the lower the stats the card has, so that’s another drawback to consider.
It might be even worse than that.
If helper counts towards the 32 rarity, that leaves you with 16 rarity across 4 subs. So 4 star average per sub.
If helper does NOT count, that leaves you with 24 rarity across 4 subs. So 6 star average per sub.
It really seems like it would be incredibly difficult to built a decent team around that.
Maybe I’m missing something – I didn’t do a deep dive into possible subs and some recent collabs / events had decent 6 star monsters.
Or maybe we’re doing to see more changes on monsters’ rarity.