New Fest Exclusive: Seawolf
Another collection of watches submarine!
Debut in SGF
New Card Details

Machine / Balanced

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire, water and heart orbs; Transform to [7772] for the rest of the dungeon (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 9x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 30%, +2 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when fire and water attack at once; 2.1x all stats for Fire att.

Machine / Balanced

Active Skill: For 1 turn, ATK increase according to number of combo enhance in team; Change light to fire orbs, wood to water orbs (2 max CD)
Leader Skill: 9x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 30%, +2 combo and deals 3,000,000 fix dmg when fire and water attack at once; 2.8x all stats for Fire att.
Larger Artwork
Misc.: Seawolf will be the last in the Submarine series
It is confirmed from YamaP that Seawolf will be the last in the Submarine series, therefore there won’t be light or dark submarine Phyllis and Mahito: Safe
However, there will be other transforming robots in the future. Perhaps we can see other transformers that’s in other transportation?
ロイヤルオーク 、ノーチラスに続く潜水艦シリーズの第三弾!
(変形ロボは今後もあります!)— 山本大介 (@DaikeYamamoto) August 25, 2021
I love the idea of getting a full submarine transformer series. Big robots are cool. Puzzles and Mechas is a good meta. I am also not spending any stones til this is out on NA because Belial can actually be used as a sub for this Sub
Looked it up and Sea-Wolf is the name of a watch and subamarine. I am gonna do some more research to see if there are more shared names that can cover a L and D sub
YamaP tweeted that there won’t be L/D subs so look for something else for the next wave of GFEs. Whether robots or other is unknown.
Possible Rosalyn pairing? One gives Big HP, the other gives big shield. But handling resists and SBs might be a pain 😅
nah, sym pair the wolf. we’ve only seen less than 25% shields in active skills and Susano and the Chinese’ leader skills that reduce by 20% static. two 25% is enough to servive a 150% gravity (which any gravity more than 99% is bs) and the raw HP is more desirable than 70% shield since it means floor 1 preempts are less likely to kill you. Ros will also override Wolf’s skyfall boost so she will be a bad sub. At the minimum 25% shield we can expect Wolf will also have more eHP than Ros but less than Naut and Oak. Its important to consider Wolf’s HP stat too. Naut with Zela eq has about 12k HP. This is important to figuring out total eHP because despite Naut and Oak having the same eHP modifier, Naut has about 160k more total eHP. This wolf is also coming right after Bplanar got nice buffs (beach rem also gave us orb skin Denebola which can gen orbs, remove locks, and override rcv debuff) and right before we get a Mystics rerun with Seina buffs. I think this Woif has everything it needs to be at the top of the meta with Naut and knocking Rosalyn down to the Oak, Itadhito, Dahllia, Hydragea tier.
Forgot to mention Heiren and Suou’s recent buffs too. GH wants this wolf to be the new meta king.
I wasnt aware these had just recently been buffed… When was this?
I think for birthday buffs
Confirmed 30% shield.
He does seem good, but he does not knock Rosalyn down, that is not quite how tiers work in PVE based gachas. The only two ways something gets dropped down a tier is if there is power creep and new PVE content. The former would involve the entire tier being brought down, whereas the latter can bring down any number. This is because cards are not competing against one another, they are competing against dungeons, and you do not automatically have access to everything. Even if something is better, it does not make individual things worse. For Rosalyn to be knocked down, Nautilus would also have to be knocked down. Her being on the same tier as Nautilus means she performs at a comparable or identical level. Even if another card comes into the tier, it does not affect the comparison between individual cards within the tier. If adding something to the tier would knock just her down, then she should have not even been on the same tier as Nautilus to begin with.
Shizumaru’s fire skyfall just became meta.
So this is the reason King Slime has red subatt. He’s Wolf’s Alynna
Seina pairing?
They should next do a transforming series involving stars. It can end as a white dwarf, black dwarf, or neutron star; a black hole probably won’t work because it’s invisible to light and is thus not “black” in color.
Picture this:
Baby star => adult star => white dwarf (light attribute).
Massive baby star => massive adult star => neutron star (dark attribute)
like mario and the last form can be rosalina 🙂
or like the MCU where they butchered Starlords father and make Starlord transform into a planet after 20 turns. Or like the constellations series where even gungho has forgotten they exist? Will DC get a rerun so Superman can be a meta sub for the Light baby star since its a yellow sun?
So the trump legato playing cards are only available at a specific store? Major Lawsons? Are we unlikely able to get them in NA over amazon then. The cards are cute and it comes with a in game bonus which is kinda fun