New Ordeal Evolutions Coming

Of course we get news on the day where I’m just 8 hours away from my flight and I was still doing last minute packing

Hera and Nephthys is finally getting their Ordeal Evo coming soon that was announced in anniversary stream!

New Evolution

[10758]// Devil Star of Divine Transcendence, Hera (Oevo)
Devil / God

Active Skill: For 1 turn, change all subs dmg cap value to 7,000,000,000; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Devil type; Reduce enemies’ remaining HP by 30% (15 max CD)

Leader Skill: Orb move time +5 sec; 40x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 35% and deals 1 fix dmg when 10+ combo; 3.2x HP for Devil type

Skill animation:

[10700]// Death Goddess of Divine Transcendence, Nephthys (Oevo)
God / Attacker

Active Skill: For 2 turns, 2x ATK for self; For 2 turns, change self dmg cap value to 5,000,000,000; Unlock all orbs; Change top 2 rows to dark orbs; Enhance all orbs (4 max CD)

Leader Skill: 35x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 75% and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when matching 8+ connected dark orbs; 1.1x HP for God type

Skill animation:


Card Change

Devil Star Divine Queen, Hera-Nyx
Increase LB stats
6x 30x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when HP is 80% or above; 2.2x HP for Devil type; Orb move time +10 sec

Super Reincarnated Nephthys
Increase LB stats
For 2 turns, change self dmg cap value to 5,000,000,000; For 2 turns, 2x ATK for self and Dark att.; Unlock all orbs; Change bottom row to dark orbs (Max CD 4 > 3)
30x 35x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 60% 65% when matching 6+ connected dark orbs; Reduce dmg taken by 35% and deals 1 fix dmg when 3+ (incl. 2+heart) colors attack

Nephthys’ Necklace
For 2 3 turns, bypass dmg voids shield; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to light, dark and heart orbs

5 Replies to “New Ordeal Evolutions Coming”

  1. It’s funny that OEvo Hera would get along well with Hades team rather than Zeus team lol. quite obvious but it breaks the lore but just like any other hyper Gravity users, she is the nail in the coffin for any last floor boss for Devil team. Now that both Greek & Egyptian gods got buff. please gives my long awaits Raijin a buff. Can’t wait to see them in action

    1. Ironically, although the PAD versions of Zeus and Hera seem to get along fine, the original mythological Zeus was notorious for cheating on Hera to the point where a good proportion of all the tragedies that happen in Greek mythologically can be traced back to Zeus not being able to keep his pants on and Hera going full metal yandere about it.
      By contrast, Hades hilariously has the most stable love life of any of the major gods in Greek mythology with his wife Persephone, and that says a lot when he started their first date off by kidnapping her.
      Hera and Hades would have probably made a great couple if things went slightly differently, although ironically, even PAD Hera and Hades have a surprising amount of things in common, right down to their original versions having the exact same Active Skill.

  2. Looks like GungHo’s theme for today’s update are “Thick thighs save lives”! 😀
    Half joking aside, Ordeal Nepthys really stands out as quite possibly the best thing to happen to Dark Super Enhanced Matching teams since Black Sun. She admittedly suffers the same problem of having a 4 turn CD so you’d need four of her to loop, but in return, her AS naturally has counters to locked and weakened orbs built into it which are two of the biggest problems with such teams. Even more interesting, she doesn’t need to transform or skill evolve, so she can serve as an Assist Platform and barely requires any Skill Boost to get off the ground, unlike most of her contemporaries.
    In terms of potential damage, if you give Ordeal Neptune an Assist with Change Sub Attribute: Dark, she should be able to hit upwards of 15 billion from her three attributes combined half of the time which should reliably outpace Black Sun in the current game. Nepthys in general is also easier to obtain than Black Sun, although getting four of her for a full looping system would still be quite a luxury for most players. Still, such a team could prove potentially superior to many other Super Enhanced Matching team setups in the current game.

    1. …It just occurred to me that I spelt Nephthys’ name completely wrong every single time on the above post, along with mixing up her name with Neptune at least once. Errr… I did it for the hidden “Nep Nep” achievement of course, let’s just roll with that okay? 😀

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