[New card added][Next collab] Crows x Worst collab, returning soon
On front cover of Monthly Shonen Champion magazine is 30th anniversary of Crows, which mentioned upcoming campaign with PAD! Which means the collab should be returning soon, maybe even before Evangelion collab and My Hero Academia collab!
Updated 6/4: New addition
The card that was added from data download yesterday! Available as a serial code (Android only) that comes with Shonen Champion magazine, which is available on 6/5 (Fri)!
He’s likely a Monster Point addition later on, when the collab details arrive.


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3825 (4815) | 4973 (5963) |
ATK | 1478 (1973) | 1921 (2416) |
RCV | 402 (699) | 523 (820) |
Active Skill: (12 ➧ 7) Not Inheritable
Change Dark orbs to Wood orbs; Change Light orbs to Fire orbs; Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 5 turns
Leader Skill: [4/225/1]
5x ATK and 2x HP for Fire and Wood Att.; 3x ATK when matching Wood and Fire; 1 additional damage when matching Fire and Wood
Original Tweet
6/5発売「月チャン」7月号はクローズ30周年特集号/表紙:髙橋ヒロシ描き下ろし坊屋春道/袋とじ付録「クローズ×WORST」モバイルゲーム&パズドラ/巻頭カラー「鳳仙花」/描き下ろし新エピソード出張掲載「WORST外伝 ドクロ」&「WORST外伝 グリコ」/クローズグッズ2大プレゼント/巻中カラー「デストラ」 pic.twitter.com/fnanJj62Ah
— 月刊少年チャンピオン編集部 (@MonthlyChampion) June 1, 2020
Literally the worst collab lol
Pretty sure Eva collab will be delayed since the movie itself just got postponed
Not surprising seeing what happened to Fate too!
Looking forward to MHA, I have a feeling another Yugi Class leader will rise!
All might def might be a transformation lead for light too!
MHA.. The first collab I’m actually purely excited about.