Ninja Hattori-kun Collab Revival!!
9/15 (Sat) 12:00am - 9/30 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Sources Ninja Hattori Collab
Revival of an old collab, Ninja Hattori-kun! The series was drawn by the author of Doraemon, Fujio F. Fujiko. This time the collab returns with 1 new Assist Evo. and a new card!
Two cards in the collab in Monster Point store:
[2428] Shishimaru – 50,000 MP[2426] Hattori-kun – 100,000 MP
Side Note: Magazine Code
Hattori-kun is also available as a serial code (Android only) with CoroCoro Aniki, Fall issue. The magazine will be released on 9/15 (Sat).Amazon link for the magazine here!
New card information
From Official Twitter: