[Official Stream] Pre-11th Anniversary Stream – Recap and Translation

Super short stream, but because we have a super long live stream later!!! Introducing new GFE as well!!

Stream information

Stream link YouTube | 2/18 (Sat) 8:00pm JST


Today’s translator is Karyu!

Became super lazy, but trying to catch up with the missing blog posts

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The Recap

YamaP the only host!

And, we are not starting with any boring E-sport news!!!

111 free stones!!!

Claim period: 2/19 (Sun) 0:00 – 2/20 (Mon) 23:59 JST

2 days only, don’t miss out!!


2 new GFE coming: Royal Oak and Nautilus and Sea Wolf and Daytona

poor Blackbird

Here’s the transform art

Final stage transform will have 3rd att.!!!

Same for Sea Wolf Daytona

Both of them are also orb skin cards!

There will be a free roll that guarantees one of the 2 new GFE!

At the same time, there will be a 20 stone SGF! That’s right, another 7★ and 8★ Guaranteed SGF! Also 2 days only!

There will also be 5 free rolls coming with the SGF!

New Dungeons

UN4 is coming!!!

Skipping 億 (Ten Billion), we directly jump from 万 (Ten Thousand) to 兆 (Trillion)!!

As usual, title challenge

Nice word play here, as 凶兆 (Omen) uses the same Trillion Kanji

There will also be a super easy version of UN4 which is the “Eleven” title challenge! (similar to “Ten” title challenge with Big Bang)

Ragnarok Dragon Descended!

Our boi is not forgotten!! Finally getting a descend which drops materials for new evolution form!

The release date will happen while the Anniversary Live Stream is on, which also means stream challenge based on the dungeon!

11th Anniversary Tama

It’s not part of stream, but is part of the 11th Anniversary event!

Here’s the 11th Anniversary Tamadra!

[9828] 11-year Anniversary TAMADRA
Awoken Mat / Enhance Mat / Redeemable

Active Skill: Change leftmost column and 2nd column from rightmost to light orbs (11 max CD)

Leader Skill: Unlocks one of the base monster’s Awoken Skills when used as Fusion Material

Sell for 11m EXP, 1.1m coins and 110k MP

And that’s it for the stream!

Read more

Here are links for the information in stream

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