PAD Academy returns with new additions, buffs and new orb skin!
New school year is supposed to start in Japan, but not really happening at the moment. So instead we’ll take it to online learning (???) in PAD! PAD Academy returns!!
Valeria Senseiiiii~
Gacha details
Free roll!
- One free Gacha roll (in mail) for everyone, no rank requirements!
Magic Stone + Gacha Roll Bundles
Available: 4/6 (Mon) 10am – 4/20 (Mon) 9:59am JST
3 bundles are available in Shop tab! One purchase only for each bundle.
#1 | #2 | #3 | |
Bundle |
1 Magic Stone + Gacha Set |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set | 20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set |
Price | 120 yen ($1.06 USD) | 2,440 yen ($21 USD) | 2,440 yen ($21 USD) |
Contains | ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Gacha lineup | All (★8, ★7, ★6 and ★5) | [5217] Amaterasu only, comes with Orb Skin #1. | [6112] Apollo only, comes with Orb Skin #2. |
Special orb skin #1
Obtaining Hidden Gamer Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami
will unlock the special Japanese 1 Gods orb skin! Featuring
Special orb skin #2
Obtaining Apollo
will unlock the special Greco-Roman 2 Gods orb skin!
Rare gacha lineup
5 Magic Stones per roll.
All cards are linked to PDX database. You can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.



Unlocks orb skin #2.
Unlocks orb skin #1.

[New] [New]


Monster Exchange
Available: 4/6 (Mon) 10am – 4/20 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
★9 & ★8 Gacha rolls
- All ★9 & ★8 cards from the gacha can be obtained through exchange.
- Exchange 4-5 cards for your desired cards! (Duplicates ok)
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[6109] Caring Master Dragon Caller, Valeria 親身の師龍喚士・ヴァレリア ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[6111] Rival Dragonbounds, Rikuu & Distel 競合の龍契士・リクウ&ディステル ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[2814] Library Room’s Manager God, Kali 図書室の管理神・カーリー ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[3648] Rampant School Dragon, Viper Orochi 学園の暴れ龍・ヤマタノオロチ ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[4344] Campus Idol, Uruka 学園のアイドル・ウルカ ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[5216] Yog-Sothoth, the Youthful One 青春なるもの・ヨグ=ソトース ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
Limited-time special exchanges
Collect Bronze, Silver, Gold tokens from the special dungeon, exchange them for higher tier tokens, and use them as currency for these exchanges!
Desired Card | Exchange Requirements |
[6114] PAD Academy Report Card [New] パズドラ学園通知表 |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[5222] PAD Academy Student’s Handbook パズドラ学園生徒手帳 |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[3318] Latent TAMADRA (God Killer) |
* One Exchange Only |
x 3
[3319] Latent TAMADRA (Dragon Killer) |
* One Exchange Only |
x 3
[3323]Latent TAMADRA (Attacker Killer) |
* One Exchange Only |
x 3
[5221] PAD Academy Emblem – Rainbow |
or x 1 | x 5
[5220] PAD Academy Emblem – Gold |
[5219] PAD Academy Emblem – Silver |
[5218] PAD Academy Emblem – Bronze |
x 5
Various Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons |
x 3 |
Monster Point store
Available: 4/6 (Mon) 10am – 4/20 (Mon) 11:59pm JST

Special dungeon
Duration: 4/6 (Mon) 10am – 4/20 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Dungeon drops the PAD Academy Emblems needed for Monster Exchange. This is a revival and likely won’t give a Magic Stone for clear, if you’ve previously cleared.
- 5 difficulties total.
- Dungeon name: 私立パズドラ学園
- Dungeon link & Skill up list on Skyozora
- Top floor is “Team of 4 or less”, gives a PreDRA on first clear!
Dungeon drops | |
Rare invade |
Boss |
Skill-up dungeon available!
Dungeon name: Skill Level Up / スキルレベルアップ
- Bring in a team of the PAD Academy cards you rolled, and get 100% skillups!
- Solo-only, ensure you have Monster Leveling option on!
New cards
From Official Twitter:
★9 Rarity cards


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5395 (6385) | 7014 (8004) |
ATK | 2628 (3123) | 3416 (3911) |
RCV | 405 (702) | 527 (824) |
Active Skill: (10 ➧ 10) Inheritable
For 3 turns, 2x orb move time; For 3 turns, 2x RCV; Replace all orbs
Leader Skill: [2.25/400/16, 43.75%]
1.5x HP for Wood Att.; 4x ATK & RCV for Light Att.; 5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 7 or more combos
★8 Rarity cards


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4513 (5503) | 5867 (6857) |
ATK | 2018 (2513) | 2623 (3118) |
RCV | 437 (734) | 568 (865) |
Active Skill: (12 ➧ 7) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Dragon type; For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Heal orbs
Leader Skill: [1/324/1, 43.75%]
Reduce damage taken by 25% and increase combo by 2 when matching 5 or more connected Heal orbs at once; 18x ATK when matching 5 or more colors (4+heal)
★7 Rarity cards


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3915 (4905) | 5090 (6080) |
ATK | 2101 (2596) | 2731 (3226) |
RCV | 357 (654) | 464 (761) |
Active Skill: (17 ➧ 12) Inheritable
For 1 turn, bypass att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Light orbs
Leader Skill: [4/256/1]
4x ATK for Light Att.; 2x HP for Wood Att.; 4x ATK when matching Light and Wood; 500,000 additional damage when matching Wood and Light


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4065 (5055) | 5285 (6275) |
ATK | 1921 (2416) | 2497 (2992) |
RCV | 409 (706) | 532 (829) |
Active Skill: (15 ➧ 10) Inheritable
Delay enemies’ next attack by 2 turns; For 10 turns, orbs appear locked
Leader Skill: [4/256/4]
[Fixed 8 second movetime] 2x all stats for Dragon type; 8x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 6 or more connected Wood orbs at once
New Evolutions


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3034 (4024) | 3944 (4934) |
ATK | 2335 (2830) | 3036 (3531) |
RCV | 711 (1008) | 924 (1221) |
Active Skill: (15 ➧ 4) Inheritable
Enhance all Wood and Light orbs; Reduce awoken skill binds by 4 turns
Leader Skill: [4/324/9]
6x ATK and 2x HP for Wood Att.; 3x ATK & RCV on the turn a skill is used


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3034 (4024) | 3944 (4934) |
ATK | 2335 (2830) | 3036 (3531) |
RCV | 711 (1008) | 924 (1221) |
Active Skill: (15 ➧ 4) Inheritable
Enhance all Wood and Light orbs; Reduce awoken skill binds by 4 turns
Leader Skill: [4/324/9]
6x ATK and 2x HP for Wood Att.; 3x ATK & RCV on the turn a skill is used


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 7068 (8058) | 8128 (9118) |
ATK | 2615 (3110) | 3007 (3502) |
RCV | 233 (530) | 268 (565) |
Active Skill: (21 ➧ 16) Inheritable
For 1 turn, increase combo count by 2; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire and Wood orbs
Leader Skill: [4/324/1]
2x HP & ATK when all cards are Pixel Evolutions; 9x ATK and 50,000 additional damage when matching 6 or more connected Fire or Wood orbs
Monster Exchange
Evolution Materials
Base |
Base |
Base |
Base |
Assist Evo |
[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”Valeria” src=”″ ][_track caption=”Valeria’s Vanity Glasses (Assist Evo.)” src=”″ ][/_playlist]
Live starting 4/3 (Fri) 6pm JST.
Card | Change |
Discipline Committee Chair, Athena 風紀委員長・アテナ |
Class Monitor, Athena 学級委員長・アテナ |
Hera-Ur-Senpai ↑↑先輩・ヘラ・ウルズ |
Newspaper Club’s Reporter, Sarutobi Sasuke 新聞部の特命記者・猿飛佐助 |
Pet Caretaking’s Club, Red Riding Hood 飼育部の元気娘・赤ずきん |
Fortune-telling Club President, Snow White 占い部の名物部長・白雪姫 |
Go-Home Club’s Tomboy, Thumbelina 帰宅部のおてんば娘・おやゆび姫 |
Drama Club’s Heroine, Cinderella 演劇部のヒロイン・シンデレラ |
Book Club’s Literary Princess, Sleeping Beauty 読書部の才媛・ねむり姫 |
Volleyball Club’s Devil, Theurgia バレー部の悪魔・テウルギア |
Master Librarian Goddess, Kali 図書室の監督神・カーリー |
Leader Skill: 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 4 or more colors;
Belligerent Transfer Student, Susano no Mikoto 嵐の転校生・スサノオノミコト |
Cooking Club’s Ace Chef, Hathor 料理部の新鋭・ハトホル |
Kendo Club’s Team Captain, Acala 剣道部の主将・不動明王 |
Student Council Secretary, Loki 生徒会書記・ロキ |
Late Sleeper Dragon Knight, Ishtar 夜ふかし龍騎姫・イシュタル |
Detouring Star Angel, Lumiel 寄り道の星天使・ルミエル |
Tumultuous School Dragon, Viper Orochi 学園の狂騒龍・ヤマタノオロチ |
Leader Skill: 6x ATK when 4 or more combos up to
Misc. – Artwork
Valeria sensei, by her artist Yoichi Ito!
ヴァレリア先生— イトウヨウイチ (@yoichisoh) April 3, 2020
That new Valeria card is such a chase…
GH employee: How many Faska leads do you wanna have?
YamaP: Yes!
In all honesty, Valeria is another good Faska option even though it might be hard to put a proper team together. Also, all existing pairings already dominate endgame content (mainly Colloseum 2) and having enough SBs isn‘t the problem in most cases.
Rikku x Distel is a pretty good sub for all the meta rainbow teams since his AS counters many things in A6 on a short CD (especially ATK debuffs).
More monster exchange cards?? Ew!
I hope I roll Rikuu & Distel, the art is so funny 😀
A lot of my trade fodder will be going to Valeria. Maybe two, so she can equip her glasses.
Hahahaa (same)