PAD Goods – Figurines & Artbooks
Since I live in Japan, many ask me what sort of PAD merchandises there are. I’ve decided to compile a big list instead of answering all the messages! Below is some merchandises of PAD that are available, namely – Figurines and art books of PAD!
Edit: Added a section for… others.
PAD Art Books

This section is short. There aren’t a lot of art books out there!
The basic art books have selected official artworks, and some drafts of the official artwork. Generally there are some interesting original drawing at the last section of the books too!
- PAD Illustrations (Released on 2014/2/20)
パズル&ドラゴンズ-イラストレーションズ - PAD Illustrations – Ultimate (Released on 2015/6/11)
パズル&ドラゴンズ-イラストレーションズ-究極 - PAD Illustrations – New Ultimate (Released on 2016/6/2)
Other Art Books
- PAD Trading Card Game (TCG) Illustration Collection
Selected artwork from the discontinued TCG collection! PAD TCG’s artwork is amazing. - PAD Coloring Book
塗る!! Puzzle & Dragons 超精密塗り絵
Color your characters! Contains line art of selected popular characters, get yourself some pencil crayons and start coloring! - PAD Coloring Book #2
塗る!! PUZZLE & DRAGONS 超精密塗り絵 神の章/龍の章
Second coloring book! - Yosuke Adachi’s Artwork & Techniques
安達洋介アートワークス – 現場のイラストテクニック
Not a strictly PAD art book, but is by one of PAD’s artists! Inside shows how he drew some of his PAD (and other) artwork.
PAD Figurines – Introduction
Many know that there are a few of PAD figurines out there, and on the PAD Subreddit we often see a few brag about them. There are generally 2 types available: large (~20 cm tall) and small (chibi, ~7 cm tall). Even without being in Japan, you can get some, if not all of them too!
I’m in Japan, where do I find the figurines?

Generally figurines are released first in arcades (game centers), where you win them by playing the UFO catchers (or others). Unlike in North America, UFO catchers (or claw machines) are actually winnable and generally not a scam. Populated cities will have a few arcades such as Taito Station, Namco, Sega, and Round 1.
Now if you’re not good at those machines (like many of us), some shops do sell them directly, but popular ones are gone fast. If you’re in Akihabara (the anime district in Tokyo) or Nihonbashi (area in Osaka), some stores will carry them still (Mandarake, for example). Try your luck if you’re in the area!
I’m not in Japan / Can’t find it in Japan…
Many of them are online, and some even on Amazon and eBay (US)! But if you’re trying to find the merchandises in Japanese, generally search for パズドラ (Pazudora, short form of PAD) or パズル&ドラゴンズ (Puzzle and Dragons). Add in フィギュア (Figure) for figurines. Below I have included a list of PAD figurines.
Full Size Figurines
There’s quite a few in this category, mostly made by Eikoh. Some figurines are made better than others, and some are now pretty rare. All of them come with a stand.
All the links below are from Amazon JP. Every figure should have a ASIN (product code) that you can search for, to find a local website!
PAD Deluxe Figurine (Newest)
The reason why these are deluxe is that they come with a background (like the in-game art background).
- Light Myr (Miru)
パズル&ドラゴンズ DXフィギュア Vol.1 星刻の時龍契士・ミル - Beach Myr
パズル&ドラゴンズ DXフィギュア Vol.2 休息の狙撃手・ミル - Fire Myr
パズル&ドラゴンズ DXフィギュア Vol.3 焔刻の時龍契士・ミル - Dark Athena
パズル&ドラゴンズ DXフィギュア Vol.4 帝都の守護神・アテナ
PAD Figurine Collection (Older)
This is the set that most people know about – The waifus and Odin!

- Bastet
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.1 バステト - Light Athena
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.2 アテナ - Green Odin
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.3 光槍の魔術神-オーディン - Light Valkyrie (Rose)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.4 薔薇戦姫・グレイスヴァルキリー - Fire Valkyrie (Femme)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.5 凰華烈姫・グレイスヴァルキリー - Dark Valkyrie (Claire)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.6 黒翼熾姫・グレイスヴァルキリー - Green Valkyrie (Elize)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.7 茨戒爽姫・グレイスヴァルキリー - Red Sonia
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.8 パズドラ-現世の赤龍喚士・ソニア - Blue Valkyrie (Reine)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.9 蒼翔麗姫・グレイスヴァルキリー - Green Sonia
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.10 悠久の緑龍喚士・ソニア - Blue Sonia
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.11 永劫の青龍喚士・ソニア - Light Metatron
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.12 神書の管理者・メタトロン - Dark Metatron
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.13 神罰の審理者・メタトロン - Awoken Minerva
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.14 覚醒ミネルヴァ - Awoken Haku
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.15 覚醒ハク - Beach Pandora
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.16 冥夜の令嬢・パンドラ - Beach Valkyrie
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.17 雪白の美姫 ヴァルキリークレール - Awoken Sakuya
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.18 覚醒サクヤ - Awoken Bastet
パズル&ドラゴンズ – フィギュアコレクション Vol.19 覚醒バステト
Pazudora Collection DX
Okay, can’t ignore dragons when we’re talking about PAD! There are some figurines of dragons, actually…
- Meteor Volcano Dragon
パズル&ドラゴンズ パズドラコレクション DX メテオボルケーノドラゴン - Generate Earth Dragon
パズル&ドラゴンズ パズドラコレクション DX グラビトンアースドラゴン - Chaos Devil Dragon
パズル&ドラゴンズ パズドラコレクション DX カオスデビルドラゴン
The Specials (Expensive ones)
These are high quality figurines that cost a lot more than others. I don’t know why they picked these to model though…
- Hera-Ur – Made with ABS and ATBC-PVC.
パズル&ドラゴンズ – 覚醒ヘラ・ウルズ - Ultimate Modeling Collection Figure – Duke Vampire Lord
魔王・ヴァンパイアロード - Ultimate Modeling Collection Figure – Underlord Inferno Hades (D/D)
冥界神・インフェルノハーデス - Ultimate Modeling Collection Figure – Underlord Arch Hades (D/L)
Chibi Figurines
These are smaller figurines! Generally these comes in a set of two or three, though you can find them sold separately too (sometimes a bit more expensive).

- Karin, Sakuya & Haku
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.1 - Lucifer & Light Metatron
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.2 - Light Valkyrie & Yomi
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.3 - Red Sonia & Lilith
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.4 - Leilan & Meimei
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.5 - Awoken Dancing Queen Hera-Ur & Divine Queen Hera
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.6 - Red Sonia (Uvo) & Dark Metatron
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.7 - Skuld & Verdandi
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.8 - Light Valkyrie (Uvo, Rose) & Dark Valkyrie (Uvo, Claire)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.9 - Urd & Pandora
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ぷぎゅコレフィギュア Vol.10
Tamadra / DeviTama / REM Figurines
So you’re telling me that Tamadra is the one true waifu? Sure, here are some (not all) figurines of Tama and friends!
- Tamadra Plushie. (There’s a lot more out there!)
パズル&ドラゴンズ – たまドラ – SJ – ぬいぐるみ - DeviTama Deluxe Figurine
パズル&ドラゴンズ – キングデビたまDXフィギュア - Rare Egg Machine (by Bandai)
パズル&ドラゴンズ DX – レアガチャドラゴン
You can feed it monsters. It’s kinda… interesting. - Rare Egg Machine Solar Figurine
パズル&ドラゴンズ – ガチャドラソーラーフィギュア
Yes, the arm moves. No, it’s out of stock. - “Super Rare” Gold Egg Boxer
You didn’t read it wrong. The best part? “Works on male and female” they say. Wear it for better luck?
Final comments
To conclude, there are quite a few (that I didn’t know until I looked it up)! I personally love the chibis (and have 8-9 of them).
This isn’t all of course, there are other PAD merchandises out there, good luck finding them! PAD used to have raffles (Ichiban Kuji, 一番くじ), where you pay 650 yen and get a raffle ticket. Each ticket can give prizes that are ranged from A – H (A being the best, usually a large plushie, H usually are smaller things like a keychain or file folder). Some of those goodies are still floating around!
Also, if you’re in Japan around GungHo Festival (during May), lots of PAD goods will be sold on the day! This includes mugs, plushies, the art books, pens, styluses… you name it! Unfortunately GungHo festival is only 1 day long, in 7-8 different locations, and typically they are a bit out of the way for tourists (30 minutes to 1 hour travel just to the venue, without getting lost).
Maybe if I make a post like this again, I’ll talk about other PAD goods… Let me know!
Below are parts of my collection.