PAD Illustrator Birthday Buffs! Yusuke Kozaki’s birthday, buffs for Sakuya and Sandalphon!

It’s birthday time for (one of) Sakuya’s artists! Annnd not all Sakuya!

The Artist

The artist is Yusuke Kozaki (コザキユースケ, @kymg / Wikipedia page), who was also artist for many popular games including Pokémon Go! His birthday is today, 5/12!

As noted by the official Twitter account, the illustrator birthday buffs are only for artists who contributed more than 4 PAD original artwork, excluding seasonal cards.


Only these 4.

Card Change

Awoken Sandalphon


Active Skill: For 2 3 turns, 2x ATK for Healer type; For 2 3 turns, reduce damage taken by 35% (buffed, amount not mentioned) (25 ➧ 14)
Awakening Changes

Enlightened Meditating God, Sandalphon


Level Limitbreak available

Leader Skill: 3x 9x ATK and 1.5x 2.5x HP for Healer type; 2x ATK when matching 6+ connected Light orbs

Awakening Changes
New SA:

Green Gleaming Star Kirin, Sakuya


Leader Skill: 5x ATK Reduce damage taken by 60% and deal 1 fixed damage when matching Fire, Water, Wood, and Light at once; ATK increase when 5+ combos, up to 25x 1.5x ATK for God type on the turn a skill is used
Awakening Changes

Super Reincarnated Sakuya


Sub attribute added

Leader Skill: 5x ATK and Reduce damage taken by 50% 60% and increase combo by 3 when matching Fire, Water, Wood, and Light at once; 2.5x ATK increase when 5 or more combos up to 25x 5x at 10 combos

Awakening Changes

Who’s next?

Next birthday would be June 2, and the illustrator is… Akira Matsumoto (マツモト明), who has drawn quite a few cards including Polowne!

Full list, including various Assist Evolutions and excluding Collabs:


5 Replies to “PAD Illustrator Birthday Buffs! Yusuke Kozaki’s birthday, buffs for Sakuya and Sandalphon!”

  1. Polowne buffs would be nice. I haven’t had use for her in a bit but could find her useful again if they reduce her cool down post transformation.

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