[Special] PAD Summer Festival Event!
It’s summer holiday time in Japan, time for some celebration with a summer festival! More resets and 100 free Magic Stones for new players!!
7 Major Resets!
Resets return! See here for details and lineups.
Rank 800 Memorial Gacha added – Fes. Exclusives only!
See here for details and lineups!
Gachadra Fever Returns!
[Limited-Time, New Players Only] 100 Magic Stones for clearing Tutorial!
Duration: 8/8 (Thu) after maintenance – 8/31 (Sat) 11:59pm JST
Only for new players! Since Version 17.2, new players receive 50 Magic Stones when clearing tutorial. For limited time, this is increased to
100 Magic Stones!
(So new players who wants to start a JP account, good chance now!)
10 Winners Daily for 25 Days! 1000 Magic Stones for the Lucky Winners!!
10 randomly chosen winners will receive 1000 Magic Stones! This is daily too! Good luck!
Okay fixed, no idea what the heck happened there too o_O;