[PADR] PAD Monster Memory Pack #1: Some New Leaders (Translations)!
With the release of the new Monster Memories comes the new bunch of new leaders! These are translations to some leaders I have seen so far in this new set.
Full List of New Leaders & Subs
Information from official site on Takara Tomy Toys. The packs contain either leaders or subs, where there are two rarities total: Super Rare (SR) and Rare (R).
Only two S-Rare leaders in this set: Unma and Diamond Dragon.
Leader Rare consists of 10 leaders, of familiar faces we all know!
- Goemon
- Mercuria
- God Canopus
- Apocalypse
- Goetia
- Ancient Fire Dragon
- Hera-Is
- Avalon Drake
- Zeus Olympios
- Satan
The rest of them are subs used in teams, which also have different rarities: Monster Rare and SS Rare (Dark Ra Dragon).
Leaders Translations
These are some the leaders available in the packs! There are 12 total, below are 8 of them that I have seen on Twitter. (If anyone has the last 4, let me know!)
Note that Active Skills may be random. I do not know whether it’s from a pool of 3-5 random active skills as usual, will update this when I find out..
Source: Twitter (@ngt02140301).
S-Rare (★6)

B/L Unma
Active Skill: Change left-most column to Water orbs, right-most column to Light orbs. (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: HP x2, ATK x2 for Water attributes. ATK x3 when Water and Light are matched at once.

L/x Diamond Dragon
Active Skill: Full HP recovery. ATK x2 for Light attributes for 1 turn. (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: ATK x3 for Light attributes. May survive a single hit that would normally kill you (resolve).
Leader Rare (5★)

R/L Goemon
Physical / Dragon
Active Skill: Remove lock status on all orbs. Change Dark, Heart, Poison, and Jammer orbs to Fire orbs. (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: ATK increase when matching 6+ connected Fire orbs, up to ATK x9.

D/G Goetia
Physical / Devil
Active Skill: Enhance Dark orbs. 90% damage reduction for 1 turn. (11 max CD)
Leader Skill: ATK x2 for Wood and Dark attributes. ATK x4 if card has both Wood and Dark attributes. ATK x2 when Wood and Dark attack at once.

B/D Mercuria
Dragon / Attacker
Active Skill: Change Light, Heart, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Water orbs. Slightly increase skyfall of Water orbs for 3 turns. (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: ATK x8 when 3 combos of Water orbs are matched. Increase orb movement time by 3 seconds.

G/L God Canopus
Dragon / God
Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Wood orbs, Water orbs to Light orbs. Bind opponent’s monsters for 1 turn. (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: 5 seconds orb movement time. ATK x2, RCV x2 for all monsters. ATK x3.5 when Wood, Light, and Heart orbs are matched at once.

D/R Satan
Dragon / God
Active Skill: Change Wood, Heart, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Dark orbs. Slightly increase skyfall of Dark orbs for 3 turns. (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: HP x2, ATK x3 for Devil types.