[PADR] Special Dungeon for Solo Mode – Quetzalcoatl Descended!!
7/29 (Mon) 12:00pm - 8/12 (Mon) 11:59am JST
Sources Limited-Time Special Dungeon
In PAD Radar, Quetzalcoatl Descended makes its return after 4 months, in solo-mode! You can get Quetzalcoatl’s Monster Memory to use it as a sub, once you beat the dungeon!
How to find this
In PAD Radar, go to Battle tab Solo Play (1人プレイ)
Special Dungeon (スペシャルダンジョン)
Quetzalcoatl Descended! (ケツァルコアトル 降臨!)
This requires Challenge Tickets by the way.
Monster Memory

Stone Dracosnake of the Purewings, Quetzalcoatl
Dragon / God
Skill: Change Light orbs to Wood orbs. Randomly lock 10 orbs. (6 turn CD)