PEM Rotation: Evo Materials Carnival!

Weekly Pal Egg Machine rotation! For only 1 day, Pal Egg Machine will rotate to Evo Materials!

Shortest rotation ever! Wonder what’s the PEM lineup for anniversary??










2 Replies to “PEM Rotation: Evo Materials Carnival!”

  1. Hey Reni et al,

    I just wanted to say that I am really excited for this 9th year anniversary and Marvel collab (and I ain’t even a fan of the superhero stuff). After all these artist appreciation events lately, its really reinvigorated my interest in getting me off my break of just logging in to claim mail every day. I’ll be watching the stream and maybe hop in the discord to hang out while watching it. I think this event is gonna be a lot of fun for us all! Thanks team for putting in the effort to make these streams more accessible and understandable for all of us. Its really what enables there to be fan base here in NA

    1. :thumbsup:

      I’m excited for the event too! But I’m definitely not excited to translate 77+ new cards…

      To put it in perspective, a big collab like KOF or Final Fantasy had under 40 new cards at a time… lol

      Glad the work pays off and you enjoy it too. 🙂

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