
Ranking Dungeon: Gachadra Fever W! [Reward distribution announced]

Updated 7/13: Reward distribution starts 7/14 (Tue) 10am JST.

Gachadra Fever is back again after months, for PADW! Interesting to see that it goes around – The concept of Gachadra Fever was based off PADW!

What is Gachadra (NA: Egg MachineDra)?
This is a special Ranking Dungeon, where you run the dungeon more times to score higher percentiles, and receive rewards including Crown at the highest percentile!
For a refresher in how this works, see older Gachadra Ranking. Rules did not change.

4 Important points

  1. Special Rules: Play at Fever Mode, which is simply scoring by cumulative score (total score) as usual!
  2. Server-wide score (from all players on JP server) will unlock rewards including  10 Magic Stones!
  3. Receive the two AvaTama (Tamadra outfits, see below) from defeating Gachadra!
  4. Receive Rainbow Event Medal x 2 when you are at certain percentile!

Gachadra Fever W

  • Fixed team (which means Active Skills can only be used once).
  • 30 stamina, 1 floor.
  • Every clear of the dungeon will give 100 Pal Points (mail), and an AvaTama (outfits in PADW, now Assists in PAD, see below)!

Fixed team:

Dungeon drops

Spawn Drop

New cards – Dungeon clear rewards

These were the Tamadra outfits in PADW!

Every clear of the dungeon will give 100 Pal Points as well, delivered by mail!
Click on the icon to jump to the card:

[6367]Metatron’s AvaTama



Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 4850 5840
ATK 2640 3135
RCV 263 560

Active Skill: (16 ➧ 12) Inheritable
Reduce HP by 20%; Deal 100x Dark damage to an enemy; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Light and Dark orbs


[6368]Tsukuyomi’s AvaTama



Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 5415 6405
ATK 1841 2336
RCV 272 569

Active Skill: (12 ➧ 8) Inheritable
Enhance all orbs; Reduce awoken skill binds by 5 turns; For 3 turns, increase orb move time by 5 seconds


Two types of rewards are available:

Server Total Score Combines everyone’s score and we get rewards unlocked (see below)!
Individual Score Behaves just like ranking dungeon. You get rewards depending on your own score. This is based on your total score on each ranking.

1. Server-Wide Rewards

Total score is the sum of all players’ score from Gachadra Fever W. When the total score of the entire server reaches goal, everyone who has ran the dungeon at least once will receive the unlocked reward.

Note: As long as the dungeon is ran before the event is over, you will get all unlocked rewards. So be sure to complete the dungeon at least once before event ends, for these free rolls!
  Goal Reward
1R 39,000,000,000 total score TAMADRA x 10
2R 139,000,000,000 total score Snow Globe Dragon Gacha Roll x 10
3R 239,000,000,000 total score Rare Gem Gacha Roll x 10
4R 339,000,000,000 total score Thank You PADW! Super Godfest Gacha Roll x 1
439,000,000,000 total score 10 20 Magic Stones

Gacha lineups

Snow Globe Dragon Gacha




Rare Gem Gacha



Thank You PADW! Super Godfest Gacha


2. Individual rewards

This are rewards you unlock by yourself, based only on your own total score for the Gachadra Fever ranking. Rewards include:

  • 10% for crown!
  • 30% for Event Medal – Rainbow!

Individual rewards list

Percentile Rewards
x 8
x 8
x 6
x 4
x 2

9 Replies to “Ranking Dungeon: Gachadra Fever W! [Reward distribution announced]”

  1. I think there’s an error in Meta’s Avatama active. It should be the same as Mega DMeta: Change all orbs to Light and Dark. I guess this also implies their min cooldowns: 16-12 for DMeta Avatama, 12-8 for Yomi Avatama.

  2. About 150 runs and not a single Avatama drop. Jeez this is like the Mickey drop all over again!

  3. I’m so confused. Is this for PAD or PADW. Either way isen’t that the game they just killed. Is this like the memorial service to that game inside PAD itself? Or is this like the second update to PADW that they have done, which would be given the game way more attention then they have in a long long time?

    1. It’s a ranking dungeon that is for the end of PADW.

      Actually the rules of Gachadra Fever are variation of PADW…

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