レアガチャ 極限降臨タイムアタックチャレンジ記念!

REM Lineup Rotation: Ultimate Descended Rush Time Attack Challenge Memorial!

Weekly rotation of Rare Egg Machine lineup, featuring a special lineup at the regular Egg Machine!

This is to celebrate the stream rolls that led to buffs, but I’m sure most of you should be looking at the Godfest instead.

Pickup Monster (Highlights)

5% rate for each featured cards below. Not full lineup, these are just featured ones.

Full lineup & Rates

Featured: 5% each (20% total)

General rates for others in REM:

★6    ~0.65% each
★5    Ex-Fes. exclusives: 0.50% each
Others: ~1.21% each

2 Replies to “REM Lineup Rotation: Ultimate Descended Rush Time Attack Challenge Memorial!”

    1. During the JP stream, they had people do an Ultimate Descended Rush within a certain time limit. Depending how much time was left, they pulled at the REM to see who to buff. This REM has the buffed monsters at a higher rate and the name is meant to reflect the time challenge.

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