Connect, backup & recovery for PAD Radar.
Connect PAD and PADR / Recover PADR account
Below is procedure to connect PAD and PADR. This is also the way to retrieve your PADR account if you happen to move your PAD account to another device! (Provided that you previously connected the account).
Why Connect PAD and PADR?
So that you can receive rewards from PADR to PAD.
For example: Dungeons, Pys, rare cards that are redeemable. That means you can find a Dark Athena and use in PAD! Only selected cards can be redeemed as gifts to PAD, see this page for the full list.
It backs up your PADR account.
That means if you deleted PADR by accident, you will be able to get your account back by redownloading the app, and reconnecting to PAD.
- Data in PADR is backed up with PAD main game.
- You can reroll your account multiple times before linking to your PAD account! Once you connect them, it’s set.
Steps to connect
All steps were translated using information from PAD Radar Official page.
1. Download PAD Radar (パズドラ レーダー) from App Store, if you haven’t.iOS: You’ll need a JP iTunes account to find PAD Radar. No credit card is needed!
Android: Your Play Store needs to be Japanese. If not, you’ll need an APK file.
2. In PAD, click on the Radar (red box in Screenshot #1) button. This brings you to the PAD Radar link window.
Options from Screenshot #2:
- Set the monster you want to link (to find people using the same lead), click this one.
- Open PAD Radar.
- Download PAD Radar.
3. Press the button shown below to pick your monster (for finding random people with the same lead as you).This will show only your current leaders in your team slots.
4. Choose a lead you’d like to put up, then click continue 「すすむ」 on the next window to connect PADR. This should bring you to PADR and completes the linking process!
Note: On iOS, there are cases where the browser window opens but cannot load PADR. Simply close PADR and retry this.
5. Open the PADR app, and click the Start button. If you see the following popup, linking is completed! You’re ready to get all the sweet rewards for PAD now.
6. Your in-game name and starting orb color from PAD should be displayed on top left of the screen, if this works!