Rank Chart & Memorial Egg Machines

List of rewards unlocked based on your rank in PAD.

Rank chart

  • Ranking up will always increase your max team cost or max stamina, but not both at the same time.
  • Dungeons will not be visible to you unless you have the required amount of stamina to attempt them.
  • A more in-depth Rank Chart for each rank can be found on the PDX webpage. Below is a short list of the features you unlock at each major milestone.
Rank Milestone
Rank Unlocks
6 Monster Point (MP) store
10 Multiplayer mode unlocked
[JP] Participating in in-game surveys
20 Can now send Present Egg (Premium Egg Machine)
Story Dungeon unlocked
40 Access to the leader in the first team slot of your friends
50 Best friend
66 50 stamina
90 Ranking dungeons available
Every 100 Additional Team Slot
110 Trading between friends (only cards worth 99 Monster Points or less)
130 Assist system
150 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail
167 100 stamina!
250 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail
367 200 stamina!
500 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail
555 5-Year Memorial TAMADRA
600 Maniac quest: Rainbowpy [Note 1]
700 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail
Maniac quest: Super Snow Globe Dragon [Note 1]
800 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail
Maniac quest: Diamond Dragon Fruit [Note 1]
900 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail
Maniac quest: Ancient Tri-God Mask [Note 1]
8-Player Versus Mode unlocked [Note 3]
1000 Free roll from Memorial Egg Machine in mail [Note 2]
“10% EXP increase” badge
Maniac quest: Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot) [Note 1]

Note 1: Since Version 18.2 update.
Note 2: Since March 5, 2020 (JP).
Note 3: Since Version 19.2 update.

Memorial Egg Machine Lineups

Reaching select ranks will unlock a free roll in mail from the special lineups. Every so often there are resets to receive these machines again. See Version History for a list of resets.

Rank 150

Image result for ランク150メモリアルガチャ

Japan server 2015-06-02
North America server 2015-08-21



Rank 250

Image result for ランク250メモリアルガチャ

Japan server 2015-12-04
North America server 2016-04-04



Rank 500

Japan server 2017-02-20
North America server 2017-11-03



Rank 700

Japan server 2019-02-27
North America server 2019-11-12


Rank 800


Japan server 2019-08-08
North America server 2020-02-25

Japan server (Updated Oct. 15, 2020)


North America server:


Rank 900

Japan server 2020-03-12
North America server 2020-08-20

Japan server (Updated Oct. 15, 2020)



North America server:



Rank 1000

Japan server 2021-03-12
North America server

