A small guide to get started on PAD Radar.
Credits: Tb_ax for additional notes.
Getting started!
So you downloaded PAD Radar, congrats! If you have no idea what PAD Radar does, see here for an overview of what you can get out of this.
When you first open the game, you’ll be asked whether you want to be a guy (Ace) or a girl (Ana). There’s no difference in the game play, except in appearance.
This cannot be changed later, so choose carefully!

Tip: It might be a good idea to check out the Soul Armors to see how they look first.
I highly recommend that you connect your PAD to your PADR account when you feel comfortable with the leader you use. If you continue playing as Guest (ゲスト, with a grey orb by your icon), your data may not be backed up, and you cannot claim monsters/dungeons in PAD main game.
You can reroll your account, provided that you haven’t linked an account to your PAD main account. (There may be ways to link even if you have an account – I haven’t looked into it though!)
Below are my translations to the game interface!
Map Screen
This is the screen you see the most. Here’s what everything means:
Pressing the Search button can give the following:
Collect orbs to exchange for rewards! Six different types of orbs can be found by searching on map, and you can use them to exchange for wallpapers, dungeons for PAD (Weekday dungeons, +297 or +99 descends), monsters for PAD (Latents, King Tans, +eggs, Pys, Snow Globe Dragons)! These are the currency used in the Shops screen.
See here for the monsters and dungeons you can buy! Note that amount of orbs may vary due to boosts from events.
Occasionally you will find Treasure Chests. These give you Radar Points, Gold, and sometimes monsters to be used as subs for Battle Mode! These do not disappear when you move away. Different rarity of chests are possible, where rainbow is the rarest! Note that certain monsters are also rewarded in main game as gift dungeons.
Monster Medal rarity from Chests |
Rainbow = ★8 – 10 (from refreshes using Gold) |
Gold = ★6 – 10 |
Silver = ★4 – 7 |
Regular = ★1 – 5 |
Keep in mind that you can only keep up to 10 of each Monster Medal. After 10 it’s automatically sold for Radar Points.
Dragon Callers
These are NPCs that you can battle against! They don’t disappear when you move away, but will disappear once you battle against them. Each battle uses 1 Challenge Ticket.See All About Dragon Callers for details on them.
Treasures [Japan-only]
These are dungeon icons (see pic) that you can collect. Collecting enough of them can reward you dungeons/cards in PAD main game, if your game is connected. If you attend a GungHo event in person, often this is how they distribute prizes as well.
- On the Maps screen, use the “Search” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to scan surroundings. Some orbs will spawn.
- Collect the orbs by swiping over them (swipe continuously in one motion for bonus). Rainbow orbs (somewhat rare) may spawn!
- To search again: Physically move to another location and hit “Search” again. Since this scans 1 km radius, you should move 2 km to get a full complement of new orbs.
- Last scanned location is seen as a brighter circle.
Note: The search button has a 4-part stamina timer. Can be refreshed using Gold (premium currency).
Extra notes about Searching
- Swiping orbs : After 8 combos, the same color won’t get the combo bonus (double the amount of orbs collected)!
Japan-Exclusives: Treasures
These are what you can also find on Maps screen, if you are physically in Japan. Search reveals the Treasures (shows as “?”) within 5 km (within the pink circle) when you Search. You can only claim the revealed dungeons.
The location of Treasure refreshes twice a day, at 12am and 12pm JST.
Note that this is also how GungHo give freebies (Radar Dragon Callers, Rushes) for events such as GungHo Festivals or tournaments.
Shop & Gacha
Two gacha (egg machines) can be rolled to get Leaders used in battles. See here for Active and Leader Skills translations!
- Radar Point Gacha: 2,500 Radar Points per roll, gives 5★ or 6★ rarity cards.
- Rare Gacha: 2,500 Gold per roll, gives 5★ to 7★ rarity cards. This machine may contain Collab-only Leaders (such as Monster Hunter), when collabs are live!
Tip: When you choose Awoken Skills for your monsters, you can just click on them to buy.
(So you don’t have to go to shops to buy them)
Battles is a big part of PADR! You form teams using a leader (previously called Soul Armor, obtained from Gacha), and 5 subs (Generated from Monster Medals, see below). Like in PAD, keep in mind of the leader skill when team building.
Monster Memories (previously called Monster Medals) that you got from Chests are found under “Generate Monster” (The Ronia button). In this menu, you can use Radar Points to convert from Monster Memories to subs for your teams. You can customize most of the awakenings of your subs.
See here for list of all Monster Memories (translated).
Profile and Titles
Winning battles earns you titles! These are custom description of you, that you can change in the “Profile” option. Simply see which one is available for you, and press the “Set” button to set your title.
The titles can be unlocked when you fulfill the requirements, some of which require wins using particular leads.
Ranking Event (Ranking Battle)
Whenever there is a Ranking Event, you can see the following when you choose “Ranking Battle” under the “Battle” menu.
Warning: You go right into an auto-matched battle once you click it!! (I made that mistake before)
Clicking “Your Rank” (the circular button) above will bring you to your current Ranking Event status:
Monster Information
Two types of monsters are available: Leaders and Monster Memories.Leaders are the cosplay-like armors that your character (Ace or Ana) dresses up to. You cannot use these as subs. Monster Memories, on the other hand, are subs you can use in a team.
Note that there are no levels or active skill levels in PADR, everything comes with the same stats! The only variables are the active skills on leaders, and the awakenings (can be customized) on subs.
Holding onto a monster brings you to the corresponding details (Leader or Sub).
Awakening for subs can be purchased when editing them (don’t need to go back to Shops menu to buy them).
Translations: Leaders (Soul Armors), Subs (Monster Memories).
Sorting Monsters
When you are editing your team or looking for a particular sub, the Sort button is very helpful!
“Sort by” & Custom tabs
Filter 1 & Filter 2
These are the Monster Memories you have collected so far (from chests and others)!
Left button below: Shows rewards from finding specific Monster Memories (See here for full list)
Right button below: QR Code scanner. This is used to scan QR codes on Monster Memories toys you can buy in Japan (or on Amazon). This is how one claims special ones such as Dark Ra Dragon and Toragon.
Clicking on a Monster Memory lets you see its rarity, or sell it (left option).
Recall that the game automatically sells after you get 9 of the same one too.
Others & Options
I highly recommend toggling “Shorten battle animations” to ON in options, for faster battles.
Error Screens
Errors happen. Here are some of them.
![]() |
Connection error. |