[RIP] PADW will be discontinued in June

After an upcoming update in June (date not announced), the mini game PADW will be gone due to difficulties in supporting for future environments.

If you haven’t played PADW to get Magic Stones (which is shared between PAD and PADW), do it soon before too late!

Update: iPad – The reason why PADW is discontinuing

With PADW discontinuing, some of JP community laugh and joke about it. As the producer, YamaP speaks up about how he feels about the matter. 

  • It’s not a light matter for the producer, or the team who worked hard on PADW behind the scenes. 
  • Complying to the full screen restriction on the iPad is the major issue. Even if a border is added, it’s possible that the update would not be approved and becomes troublesome in the long run. 
  • He also would like to keep the game content as long as possible for everyone to enjoy too. (not like he really wanted to nuke PADW)

With the messages, a number of JP players on Twitters apologized to YamaP for the harsh words. It’s still sad to see the game go, even after no updates for years now.

Personal thoughts: Somewhat I feel this is ironic as it’s iPad…. Also that may explain some of the extended iOS maintenance for the version updates.

P.S: No one knows what the W in PADW stands for. Not even YamaP.

What is PADW?

PADW (パズドラW, official site here) was a JP-only mini-game released on July 17, 2014. It is a separate game where you play dungeons similar to REMDra (Gachadra) fever to earn Medals (PADW’s currency) and various outfits for your Tamadra. Most of the cute outfits give special abilities in dungeons!

As Magic Stone count in PADW is shared with the main PAD game, many played it to earn extra Magic Stones!

PADW is accessed from the icon located at the bottom-right of the title screen. At one point, PADW was the bottom half of the title screen instead!

Cute outfits from beating dungeons. And of course, you can obtain outfits from the gacha!

While the graphics are cute, many did not find the game especially enjoyable, but more of a chore to get more Magic Stones.

Here’s the old official gameplay video:

[Misc.] Personal thoughts

While I’m sad to see it gone, it’s been a dead-weight for years as no new contents were added. If removing it helps adding more features and improves the current game (cough cough mail system and friend system), I’m all for it! The cute starter Tamadra will always have a special place in my heart and… on my couch.

7 Replies to “[RIP] PADW will be discontinued in June”

  1. NOOOOOOO I had all the Evangelion collab costumes!!!!!!!!
    The unit-13 costume was such a grind to get back then 🙁

  2. How many stones are we talking about?
    Did about 6 dungeons and only got 1 stone..

    Is it worth?

    1. NA market has absolutely nothing to do with this, lol. Even if it were released in NA, it won’t change the reason why it discontinued.

    1. It’s in the post. Or were you looking for more specific info? Actually, there might be some older posts on this blog about it.

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