Super Player’s Choice Godfest (SPCGF) Voting Results!
Godfest happening on 11/30 (Sat) 12:00pm - 12/7 (Sat) 11:59am JST
Sources Super Godfest Results
Last month we had the voting for Super Player’s Choice Godfest (SPCGF), and here are the results!
Featuring top 25 Fes. Exclusives and top 40 pantheon gods, 10 Magic Stones per roll!
(Wait why is Zela in banner when Ina is first in the list?)
About the machine
- Separate machine,
10 Magic Stones per roll.
- All rolls will be Lv. Max, fully awoken, +297, Skill Lv. Max!
- Note that there’s also a free roll from Stream Rewards!
Voting results
7-star only!! Rates and details will come later. Order may reflect on number of votes but was not mentioned in the original news.
The fact fujan and metatron makes it into these things still :D. I’ve just started steering clear of pretty GF along with alot of NA, but debut ones tend to be better. This having pretty much all the chase cards makes this one pretty desirable. In fact I think it’s time to start saving stones lol
Sad that no Minakanushi, bc they’re due to have their Mega Awoken form soon alongside Kamimusubi! I’m glad to see Reeche and Fenrir Viz though, I’m still chasing those…