[Teaser] Super Reincarnated Bastet Coming Soon!

That cute Bastet art that Chrono Ma:Gia got a few months back seems to have found it’s way to Puzzle and Dragons!
Murako just provided us with this lovely gift! Check it out!

The Tweet with gameplay

Here’s what we can tell from this:

Super Reincarnated Bastet

Note: The art used seems to be that of Bastet from Chrono Ma:Gia!

Active Skill: Mass Attack for 3 turns. Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds for 1 turn. (4 Turn max CD)

Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK Wood. 2x ATK on skill use. Increase ATK when 4+ combos matched, up to 3.5x ATK.

We were also provided with the scaling for her Leader Skill:

4c = 2x ATK
5c = 2.5x
6c = 3x
7c = 3.5x (max)

[Thoughts] Hmm, what’s next?

[speech name=reni]

Current trend in PAD has been reusing artwork from Chrono Ma:Gia (CM) in PAD. We’ve seen it with

Satsuki and Dark Reeche, but what other CM arts do we know? Let’s see from the official site: [/speech]

And the dark color artworks, where some had been used as Uvo in GungHo collab for these, pretty recently:

For now though, let’s wait till GungHo surprise us!

11 Replies to “[Teaser] Super Reincarnated Bastet Coming Soon!”

  1. I’m actually STUNNED that she made it here, as an EVOLUTION no less!! I was originally under the impression that they were going to design her as a stand alone card. This is a pure shocker!!

    1. Pretty surprising to me too, I was expecting a separate card with the trend. I guess it’s easier for them though!

      1. I was jumping for joy when I 1st heard about it {came here 1st}, then I realized the 120 Million EXP I have to stuff into her…rip Snow Globes…
        Then to think how horrifying it is that I’m coming from Base Evo…”how nice…” {There’s a skill named for that}
        Well, right now, let’s see what her full DNA is. Some are pointing to a Triple 7C on her, dunno anything more until we find what we’re getting into with that 100M EXP Curve staring at us… {assuming Level 110}.
        What bites, 170 Million if you brought her to Level 110 before… that’s a kick in the shins…

        1. Yeah we kinda held off on the awakening speculations this time, I realized that this video isn’t finalized stats and all 🙂 but the EXP will be… eh… x_x I guess that’s why they showcased Training Arena!

  2. Had one laying on my box on jp and didn’t want to evolve because I thought she would get another alt evo, glad gungho is actually doing super reincarnated on old monsters instead of alts ^^ it would be a pain for those that have evolved her to devolve and get the other evo.

    1. They couldn’t make you do that if they wanted to since you cant reverse reincarnation evolutions

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