User Survey for all Japanese Server Players! (Updated)
Remember last year there was a survey? Every year there’s a survey for JP player, to see what every (active) PAD player likes! 1 Magic Stone rewarded for completing survey!
The survey
Usually these are the ~15 questions you fill out in the app, that asks you about what you like (anime, games, etc.). See last year’s for example. This is generally how GungHo gets an idea of what people like to see for collabs!
Getting to the survey
The survey is available in-game, starting 3/18, at Others -> Survey (yellow button).
- Rank 10+ required.
1 Magic Stone rewarded for completion (so do it)
Please enter your ID.
(This is automatically filled)
* Responses from rank 10 or under are disregarded.
Please select your gender.
- Female
- Male
Please select the prefecture (Japan’s states) you live in.
This survey is supposedly for Japanese-only, so erm… pick wherever.
It’s sorted from north to south for the prefectures. First on the list after the —- line is Hokkaido, 13th on the list is Tokyo.
Please select your age.
- 12 or under
- 13~19 years old
- 20~29
- 30~39
- 40~49
- 50~59
- 60 or above
Please select your occupation.
- Elementary school student
- Middle school student
- High school student
- University/Graduate school/College student
- Company employee
- Company employer/Self-employed
- Freelancer/Part-timer
- Housewife/Househusband
- Unemployed
- Other
When did you start playing Puzzle and Dragons (PAD)?
- February 2012 to July 2012
- August 2012 to January 2013
- February 2013 to July 2013
- ….etc. (I think you know how to read this at this point)
How many times in a week do you play PAD?
- Once a week
- 2-3 times a week
- 4-5 times a week
- 6-7 times a week
- 8+ times a week
- Other
How did you learn about PAD?
- Watched commercials on TV
- Heard from real life friends, people around you
- Heard from online friends, people online
- From watching PAD anime on TV
- Saw banners/video advertisement of PAD
- From reading the manga in CoroCoro Comics
- Saw videos on websites such as YouTube
- Seen on GameWith
- Seen on App Store or Google Play (or similar)
- Seen on Google Play Gift Card Campaign
- Seen on PAD Ultimate Strategy Database
- Seen on Game8
- Seen in Famitsu App
- Seen news on Twitter
- Seen in Strategic Wiki
- Seen in other blogs or gaming sites
- Seen in AppBank
- Others
What made you start playing PAD?
- Commercials were attractive (really? Toragon?)
- Recommended by real life friend/acquaintances
- Recommended by online friends/acquaintances
- Recommended by family members
- PAD anime was interesting
- Banner/video ads were cool
- The game was interesting
- Manga was interesting
- Saw videos (YouTube and others) and game looked interesting
- The collabs I like are present in game
- Because of 100 free Magic Stones
- All the freebie items in game
- Can play against other players (PvP)
- Because I know the game already
- Illustrations are attractive
- YouTubers that I like is playing PAD
- I want to be a PAD Professional Player (really?)
- Other
How do you know about PAD game event information (such as collabs)?
- Famitsu App
- PAD Ultimate Strategy Databse
- GameWith
- In-game of PAD
- Game8
- PAD official Twitter
- Strategy apps
- Advertisements online
- Top banner in PAD game
- Webpages by YouTubers
- TV commercials
- AppBank store
- Hearing from friends/other people
- (a JP game strategy site)
- PAD official webpage
- Other blogs/game info sites
- Game strategy Wikipedia sites
- Nothing in particular
- Other
What other mobile games have you played before?
Can select multiple answers.
- Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
- Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu (Power Pros)
- KNIVES OUT (荒野行動)
- Shadowverse
- Fate/Grand Order
- Granblue Fantasy
- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
- Dragon Ball Legends
- Winning Eleven 2019
- Lineage II
- Pro Yakyuu Spirits (Professional Baseball Spirits)
- BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
- LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum
- Monster Strike
- Yo-kai Watch Puni Puni
- The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage
- Pokemon GO
- Dragalia Lost
- One Piece Thousand Storm
- Romancing Saga Re;univerSe
- Nothing but PAD
- Other
What mobile games are you currently playing?
Can select multiple answers.
- Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
- Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu (Power Pros)
- KNIVES OUT (荒野行動)
- Shadowverse
- Fate/Grand Order
- Granblue Fantasy
- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
- Dragon Ball Legends
- Winning Eleven 2019
- Lineage II
- Pro Yakyuu Spirits (Professional Baseball Spirits)
- BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
- LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum
- Monster Strike
- Yo-kai Watch Puni Puni
- The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage
- Pokemon GO
- Dragalia Lost
- One Piece Thousand Storm
- Romancing Saga Re;univerSe
- Nothing but PAD
- Other
What anime/manga do you like?
Again, you can select multiple answers.
- Detective Conan
- Ironfirst Chinmi (Tekken Chinmi)
- Reborn!
- Prince of Tennis
- Inuyasha
- Gintama
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- Ushio and Tora
- Kinnikuman
- Zatch Bell!
- Ranma ½
- Bleach
- Hajime no Ippo
- Urusei Yatsura
- Dragon Ball (!!!)
- Attack on Titan
- Major
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
- Fairy Tail
- Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
- Hunter x Hunter
- Shura no Mon (修羅の門)
- Flame of Recca (Rekka no Honoo)
- Slam Dunk
- 3×3 Eyes
- Kyo Kara Ore Wa!! (今日から俺は!!)
- Shaman King
- Rokudenashi Blues (ろくでなしBLUES)
- Naruto
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Touch
- One Piece
- Aoki Densetsu Shoot! (シュート!)
- Fist of the North Star
- Saint Seiya
- Kamen Rider
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Captain Tsubasa
- Yu-Gi-Oh
- I don’t like any anime or characters from anime
- Other
What’s your favorite family console game series?
Multiple answers ok.
- Tekken
- Kingdom Hearts
- Super Robot Wars
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Chrono Trigger
- Romancing SaGa
- Pokemon
- Splatoon
- Rockman
- Megami Tensei (女神転生)
- Seiken Densetsu (Mana)
- The Legend of Zelda
- Biohazard
- Metal Gear
- Super Mario
- Super Smash Bros.
- Tales
- Fire Emblem
- Nothing in particular
- Other
What media do you use to watch videos?
Can select multiple answers.
- TV
- YouTube
- LINE Live
- Mirrativ
- Tik Tok
- Nico Nico Douga
- TwitCasting
- AbemaTV
- Gyao
- Twitch
- Nothing in particular
- Others
Naruto collab?!?!?!