5 Magic Stones Per Roll! 55 Million Download Godfest!
Godfest for 55 million download with debut of Yurisha! First 5 Stone Godfest this year, and not a Super Godfest for once!
Limited-time Monster Exchanges return as usual!
Details of New Fest Exclusive, Yurisha
About the machine
- Separate machine,
5 Magic Stones per roll for the first time this year.
- All rolls will be +55 on a random stat!
- Skill level up dungeon available!
Full lineup & Rates
A total of 20% to roll for Fest Exclusives.
Fest Exclusives, including Yurisha (★7) | 1% each, 6% total
Fest Exclusives (★7) | 0.5% each, 4% total
Fest Exclusives (★6) | 1% each, 6% total
Fest Exclusives (★6) | 0.5% each, 4% total
Pantheons (★6) | 1.45% each, 79.75% total
Limited-Time Monster Exchange
Found under Monster Exchange Event are limited-time exchanges during Godfest!
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[5739] Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot) 潜在たまドラ☆枠解放 ▼ Trade 2 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
* One Exchange Only |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
* One Exchange Only |
5 stone for a Remu sounds tempting
So whats the difference between a godfest and super godfest? Is it just that its not +297 or am I missing something else
Traditionally all godfests are 5 stones per roll, Super Godfests are anywhere higher, up to 10 stones!
the +297 and being at a higher base evolution are what make it “super. Also the rate for exclusives is higher (~33%) to account for the cost, though I’m not sure how it compares to a regular as I honestly can’t remember a single regular godfest in the last 2 years I’ve been playing.
Can’t wait to roll me all those old REM exclusives I haven’t gotten yet. Still salty I got 2 DValk’s and none of any other color besides LValk and the Summer one.
How are the rates on normal god fests for the exclusives? Are they vastly different than supers?
Can look for previous old 5-stone godfests to see how they were in comparison, or just wait another 12 hours for the actual rates, when the machine is up! (Hence why the rate section is TBA, because no one knows)
Oh no, seems like half the rates!
Intresting point. Actully though your chances at getting a Nelle or the new GFE is increased in a cost per stone model. For 10 stones you usually only get 1.5 chance at a GFE. Now for Remu on the other hands they cut that down to a .5%. Which is much worse then usual. So if you want remu, don’t roll here, if you want the new GFE or Nelle, DEFINITELY roll here