54 Million Download Memorial! Power-Up Survey for Bleach Collab!!

Vote in-game for who you think deserves a buff in Bleach collab! Top 2 from each rarity will receive buffs (so 6 buffs total)!

The lineup

2 from each rarity will be buffed! Wonder which 6 will make it?




Reward for voting 

Free roll in Bleach Collab for casting your vote (SO DO IT) (this roll will be distributed in a later date)

How to vote

  • Rank 10+ required 
  • Fill in survey in-game, in Others -> Survey (yellow text).

12 Replies to “54 Million Download Memorial! Power-Up Survey for Bleach Collab!!”

          1. Aizen and Dathena were the two strongest leaders we had for a solid year. What game were you playing?

  1. Not sure if I would be happy or sad if this vote manages to make an apparently underwhelming collab suddenly extremely good bc 1 or 2 things got OP buffs…

    1. While one or two cards might become amazing, that does not mean the collab becomes good. Yugioh was a good collab before the buffs, the buffs just made the best cards in the collab better.

  2. I don‘t expect anything better than the usual stat, awakening (e.g. regular SB turns into a SB+) and slight multiplier buffs. Think the only major buffs GH did were back with NY Reeche.
    Still, buffs are more than welcome especially since Bleach collab is kinda meh right now. Shinji and Rukia got my votes for 6*

    1. I guessing we are talking about purely the last two voting buffs, and not side buffs like this as a whole. Generally cards are too full to change much about them, or to change them from what Gungho wants them to be. New Years Reeche definitely was the only one to receive a “slight” buff that was actually major. What ends up being better, even though it might only be a small edit, depends on the card at the start. I would say that even Yugi got some major changes for only small edits. Transformed Yugi became a 20x, and ult Yugi had his connected light and dark requirement lowered from five to four. While neither seem major, ult Yugi became more playable, and Transformed Yugi got a pretty big bump up in damage, which is about all you could do on an already busted card with little room for improvement without things becoming polarized.

  3. plz vote rukia out of all the cards she got prob shafted the most in terms of upgrades

    1. She did, but it was most likely because they tried to retain her original glass cannon status. As much as I want to agree that Rukia needs a buff, I am afraid that Rukia will just get more of what she has already been given. Not to mention that she needs some serious changes to her leader skill for it to be good, or at least some serious HP or effective HP additions. Her active will not be getting much, or at least not much that will make all that much of a difference, and it would be unlikely for them to edit her awakenings at all. Maybe her assist, which is one of the weakest bind immunity assists in my opinion, could get something, but I feel like regular Rukia will be underwhelming. I honestly think Yamamoto or Revo Aizen getting even a 1.5x HP multiplier would be more impactful.

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