GungHo’s Mail: Regarding the situations of COVID-19 in Japan

All players on Japan version of PAD received this mail today, from the game admin. This is regarding COVID-19 in Japan, and how it will affect everything in PAD.

The message

To prevent spreading of the novel coronavirus, PAD JP dev. (GungHo) staff are shifting from their usual schedules. Events and regular updates might be delayed.

They hope everyone understands.

(I certainly do understand, I’m in Japan omg.)

Edit: North America and other versions saw the same message as well, in English and Chinese respectively.


While I didn’t really put an April Fools joke up, I’ll just share this one little thing I did:

…Masked Rider.

Also our author TB (tb_ax) made this masterpiece:

3 Replies to “GungHo’s Mail: Regarding the situations of COVID-19 in Japan”

    1. Only safe team to use in this season will be… Kamen Riders (Masked Riders)!!

      Hope everyone is safe though!

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