New Godfest Exclusive – Dark Great Witch!
We already knew for a while about the Dark Witch coming soon, and here it is, finally! Is it as game-breaking as they said initially? Hmm, that’s for you to see…
So are we gonna get a Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF), or a Godfest featuring Dark Witch’s debut? Who knows…
New card information
From Official Twitter:

[4649] Great Witch, Veroa (Base form)
Devil / Balanced
Active Skill: Change Fire and Light orbs to Dark orbs. Greatly reduce RCV for 1 turn. (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: Slightly increase egg drop rate (1.3x) when entering dungeon as leader (Not applicable for multiplayer). 5x ATK when 5+ combos are matched.
- Animated!
- Think [3775] Levi from Attack on Titan collab, for the Leader Skill. I guess NA finally has a way to get this type of leader skill.

[4650] Great Witch, Veroa (Uvo)
Devil / Physical
Active Skill: Change Fire and Light orbs to Dark orbs. Greatly reduce RCV for 1 turn. (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No skyfall combos] 3x ATK & RCV when matching 5+ combos. 6x ATK and slightly reduce damage taken when 6+ connected Dark orbs are matched.
- Animated!
- 3rd card to receive the
Combo Orb awakening. See here for information!
- Paulo said she farts after she makes a heart. See the animation for that. LOL