Awoken” can have different meanings depending on context.

1. Refers to a card that has all of its awakenings unlocked. See Awakening / Awoken Skill.

2. An ultimate evolution in which the card’s skill changes and the card’s name gains the prefix “Awoken.” For example:

Awoken Minerva

An “Awoken” card will always have a different active skill compared to its previous form, which will cause the skill level to reset. Since an “Awoken” card is technically a Uvo, it can be reverted to it’s previous form by using one of each Lit as evolution materials to perform the Ult. Devolution option when in the Ultimate Evolution Select screen.

In addition to an Ult. Devolution, an “Awoken” card can also under go a Reincarnation Evolution; this form is different from other Uvo or Uuvo Evolutions, as it cannot be reversed!
Here, Awoken Minerva can either ascend into a Reincarnation, or can revert back to her previous form through Ult. Devolution. (Note that the Reincarnation Option specifically says “Reincarnation” and not “Ult. Evolution” as before.)

See also