Chance for a Fest Exclusive!? Egg Machine Returns!

Daily Egg Machine! 2/10 (Mon) 4:00am - 3/16 (Mon) 3:59am PST

Remember the “Maybe a Reeche” Egg Machine before? It’s back with more chances! 1 Gacha a day, 7 chances for each Fes. Exclusive!!

Are you lucky enough for a cute waifu?


Date (4am ~ 3:59am PST)   Fes. Exclusive
2/10 (Mon) ~ 2/17 (Mon)
Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney
2/17 (Mon) ~ 2/24 (Mon) Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton
2/24 (Mon) ~ 3/2 (Mon) Great Witch of the Unexplored Region, Saline
3/2 (Wed) ~ 3/9 (Wed) Great Witch of the Specter Castle, Veroah
3/9 (Wed) ~ 3/16 (Wed) Dracoblade, Imperial Space (Base form of Ina)

Gacha lineups

Rates are not disclosed as this is free.

Week 1: Chance for Ney!? Egg Machine






Week 2: Chance for Cotton!? Egg Machine






Week 3: Chance for Saline!? Egg Machine






Week 4: Chance for Veroah!? Egg Machine






Week 5: Chance for Dracoblade, Imperial Space!? Egg Machine






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