Farming Builds: Special Descended Rush for Skill Delay Resist Tamadras

| Jun. 30, 2018 | 669 views |   0    

From 6/30 – 7/1, there will be guaranteed Skill Delay Resist Tamadras invading Special Descended Rush.

Similarly to the Super-Ultimate Norse Rush post, I will not go over with which one is the preferred version for you. I will post a compilation of that you and your partner may run with, so you can tweak around the builds for farming those Skill Delay Resist Tamadras. Notes will be included should it be necessary to emphasize the flaws/tweaks of the build.

I will note however the builds in order from easiest to hardest against this dungeon:

Fire – Fire has so many options for ease of farming this dungeon, whether it’d feature killer subs like Tsubaki or Glavenus Hunter and its best sub, mgoemon to clear through locked orbs. This combination allows players to pair with a friend lead like Kaede or Amen to optimize their speed for no skyfall.
Wood – With creativity, players can utilize subs like Shazel to compensate the lack of damage on floors like Scarlet for floor 2. The lack of a powerful sub like mgoemon for fire can severely slow runs down however.
Water – What used to be the fastest for farming a year ago is now not only slow for this situation, but very REM heavy for one side if trying to build for one player to not have toshiros as assists for their team.

Dungeon Details

NOTE: Don’t hesitate to check the math/damage on PDC for any build/variation you’re running just to be safe.

What builds will be shown?

I will post builds based on a couple of requirements:

1. The build must have a video.
2. The build must show the assist on their cards, whether it’d be from a PDC image or before entering the dungeon.
3. The build must NOT have any errors(mess up on killing a floor for instance)

Fire Row Builds

Keith x Zeus Verse by aFireBlaze

Keith is represented by Syaoran in the build. This is the fastest possible build for Special Descended Rush.

Kaede/Amen x Glavenus Hunter by Ogre (JP)

This is arguably the most easy-to-build efficient build out there that works very consistently. Keith x Zeus-Verse obviously outclasses this in terms of speed, but with a good chunk of dedication to farmables like MGoemon and mgoemon, anybody can build this with relative ease.

-Amen can be replaced by Kaede.
-The inherit on Kaede/Amen can be any 3+ turn bind clear that’s up on turn 1.
-Manticore can be any poison.
-Odin Dragon can be any 2+ skill boost stat stick with a 5-turn bind clear assist(Nees/Odin).
-Yomi can be any form of orb enhance such as RAthena for the final floor.

Kaede x Pixel Echidna by KR Arthur (JP)

The second fastest build possible due to the amount of actives saved. Skill fatigue slows this build down than Keith x Verse, but it’s still impressive for what it does, especially if you hate pushing a bunch of actives.
Assists are shown at the beginning of the video. Note that a skill boost equip is required for this to work!

Alt. Kaede x Pixel Echidna w/o SB equip

Fire Kaede by Laurasia (JP)

The best part about Kaede is when she runs far more efficiently with off-color subs.

Yamamoto by Setsu – rip setsu :^(

An old but workable build. Shishio can replace Yamamoto.
– 1 Samurai Zaerog Equip must be assisted on the Yamamoto who has no assists.

Fully Farmable Glavenus Hunter x Manticore (JP)

This build relies on 1 enhanced orb to appear for floor 3. While that seems like a downside, the trade-off is that this build is very easy to make, being very cheap and friendly especially for the requirement of skill delay resist latents on 1 side.

Dual Glavenus Hunter (JP)

A old but workable build. It’s not as efficient as MGoemons subbed with Kaedes, but this was the build to farm back then.
– NY Tengu can be replaced for Whaledor.
– Odin can be replaced with Nees.
– You can substitute surtrs out for Goemons/MGoemons as you please.

Ancient Awoken Cao Cao

Just a fun example of what most players had to use a year ago. Powercreep sure flies by. PDC build will not be shown for this one.

Wood Farming Builds

Dual Revo Liu Bei by Ogre (JP)

An old but usable build.
-Inherit on 1 Liu Bei can be any form of unlock skill.

Dual Pixel Brachys/Tardis (JP)

Inherits are shown at the beginning.
– At least 1 enhanced orb needs to be on floor 2, or else the run is dead.
– Odin Dragon can be any sub who has 2 SB and 5 turns of awoken skill bind clear. The easiest way to do this is to sub tengu and assist Odin/Nees on him.

Water(whale) Row Builds

Dual Meridionalis

Player 1 has 4 whaledors, all with 2 skill delay resist latents, 1 whaledor with carat and Meridionalis has Manticore poison assisted. Due to the amount of resources invested for a build when there are more efficient and farmable options, I will not show PDC for this build.




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