New Years REM Review

| Jan. 1, 2019 | 1,818 views |   0    
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Happy new years everyone!

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Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 4630 (5620) 5556 (6546)
ATK 2568 (3063) 3082 (3577)
RCV 78 (375) 94 (391)
[5000]New Year’s Hunting Princess, Artemis

God / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, void damage absorb shield effects; Change Fire orbs to Wood orbs (25 ➧ 20)

Leader Skill: 2x HP for Wood Att.; 3x ATK and 1.5x RCV when 4 or more combos; 4x ATK when matching 4 or more connected Wood orbs [4/144/2.25]

NY Artemis is another variation on the common 4x HP 144x ATK lead, this time with some built-in RCV.

The 4x HP part of her leadskill is applied to all green cards while the damage is divided between making 4 combos and matching 4+ green orbs, allowing for a degree of damage control. Green is blessed with a number of good TPA cards , some nice 7c cards , and a few good farmable options as well. While there is an RCV multiplier, your leaders have low base RCV so the team should still make use of subs that help with RCV . However, even with a dedicated RCV sub, Artemis cannot not compare to the “1c forever” type of sustainability achieved by autoheal systems as she must combo board for more RCV and more hearts.

The weakest link of an NY Artemis team often ends up being herself: although her TPA damage is respectable, her typing has limited killer selection and her active has a rather long cooldown. The active is a damage absorb void paired with red to green orb change. Having 2 damage absorb void actives available is great in dungeons with numerous damage absorb spawns but inconvenient if you want inherits to come up on time. Team support wise, Artemis provides a FUA and possibly cloud res or L shield from super awakenings, though a 4th TPA is usually prefered to further bolster her damage.


Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 4572 (5562) 5486 (6476)
ATK 1736 (2231) 2083 (2578)
RCV 325 (622) 390 (687)
[4127]Promenading Moonlight Princess, Tsukuyomi

God / Balance

Active Skill: Enhance all orbs; For 3 turns, increase orb move time by 5 seconds; Reduce awoken skill binds by 3 turns (12 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 6x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 6 or more combos [1/324/1, 43.75%]

NY Yomi won big in terms of buffs this round, though her role fundamentally remains the same.

Her attack multiplier is now 324x, which makes up for her relatively lower defenses. Activation requires match of 5 orbs containing enhanced orbs (which she provides) and 6 combos (which might have been slightly hard if she didn’t have 2 seconds of movetime in awakenings). Although the damage buff is nice, Yomi is still limited by being a 5o1e instead of match 5+ lead. Making a 3×3 VDP box is annoying as you must also match 5 light orbs and make 6 combos.

NY Yomi was already a good sub for her double 7c + balanced typing, light OEs, nice selection of utility from super awakenings, and a low CD time debuff removing active that also enhances the board. This year she gained straight upgrades of extra 0.5s movetime and more stats at lv110 along with more utility in L attack and a 3 turn awoken bind clear added to her active. Aside from providing more damage, a recent update changed L attack to also remove locked skyfall, making it a nice utlity awake even if the team isn’t depending on L for damage. The 3 turn awoken bind clear deals with all awoken binds in A4 and makes Yomi a nice base for stronger awoken bind clear actives. While Yomi is not specialized enough in anything to become an irreplacable sub, her combination of utility and damage makes her a well-rounded option, especially for teams without inate movetime like DMeta .

Side Note: Regular Yomi has the same active and also got the 3 turn awoken bind clear buff.


Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 4078 (5068) 4894 (5884)
ATK 2100 (2595) 2520 (3015)
RCV 403 (700) 484 (781)
[2534]Crimson Sun Longevity Dragon Caller, Kanna

Dragon / God

Active Skill: For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Dragon, God types; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (15 ➧ 9)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK and 1.5x RCV for Dragon, God type; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5 Heal orbs in a cross formation [1/144/2.25, 75%]

Even after buffs, NY Kanna is still straight up worse than the farmable Miru as a leader. Kanna’s subpool is more restrictive, lacks the nice built-in time extend, and the multiplier is lower in both attack and RCV.

As a sub she’s also somewhat awkward. Although her TPA damage is respectable, not many teams are in need of a pure TPA based damage stick. Her utility is limited to her weak burst active and a super awake FUA (at the expense of a 5th TPA).

Side Note: Regular Kanna has the same active and also got the cooldown buff.


Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 4638 (5628) 5566 (6556)
ATK 1935 (2430) 2322 (2817)
RCV 458 (755) 550 (847)
[4998]Inner Sanctum’s Primordial Divinity, Kamimusubi

God / Balance

Active Skill: Change bottom row to Heal orbs; Recover 30% of max HP; Reduce binds by 3 turns (12 ➧ 7)

Leader Skill: 5x ATK when above 80% HP; 3x ATK & RCV when below 79% HP; 3.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching Fire+Light [1/306.25/9, 43.75%]

NY Kami’s new evolution buffed the leaderskill to have a better under 80% multiplier and 9x RCV (same as D/x Kami ) and added combo orb along with the extra skill boost and time extend. Though these improvements are nice, Kami is still hindered by the HP conditional as a lead and being row based as a sub.

Compared to D/x Kami , NY Kami has several distinct advantages and one major disadvantage. Her bind clear and heart row creating active is more practical than enhanced skyfall, she comes with 1 more SB and TE, and her subpool includes the amazing Red Ilmina who is able to sweep floors with her killers and functions as a strong VDP against Radar Dragons along with Xmas Ilmina whose active can button predras while creating a board for FUA. The disadvantage is NY Kami’s SFUA over D/x Kami’s FUA: due to SFUA requiring twice as much hearts, NY Kami teams will end up slotting a FUA sub for efficiency. While NY Kami is still an adequate A3 farmer, “match x of any color” leads like Mega Scheat clears floors with similar ease and do not suffer from orb trolling. For harder dungeons like Alt Arena, her low defenses and HP conditional is a severe issue that makes achieving consistent clears much harder than tanky leads.

As a sub, there aren’t many places where she is desired due to the lack of a strong fire row based leader at the moment. Combo orb is a neat new option for row teams to bypass combo shields, but at exactly 12 orbs to activate, it is both restrictive and costly. Her active has some niche uses for being the lowest CD heart row generator available, but it is fairly weak as a bind clearing inherit.



Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3418 (4408) 4102 (5092)
ATK 1723 (2218) 2068 (2563)
RCV 498 (795) 598 (895)

God / Balance

Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 100%; Deal 150000 damage to an enemy 3 times (20 ➧ 15)

Leader Skill: 4x Coin Drop rate; 4x ATK when 5 or more combos [1/16/1]

16x coin rate is ridiculously high, with coop weekend dungeon buttoning you only need around 1400 stamina to go from 0 to 999,999,999 coin. That said the value of coins are not as high at the moment: after coin dungeon removal the only coin sink remaining is cost of moving assists around. Perhaps there will be more use for coins in the future, but for most players Obachama and regular UUvo Ganesha is sufficient for daily needs.

Coin lead aside, NY Ganesha is a double 7c sub with balanced typing, 3 skill boosts, some utility awakenings, plus a 100% shield active. His main role is providing a base active shield (similar to Yuna or Tachibana ), though 15 CD is on the long side and will require more stalling to reuse. The 3 x 150k true damage part is rather niche and while it comes in handy for buttoning a floor and tanking a preempt in button farming situations, the animation is slower than regular all target buttons.

Yamato Takeru

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3473 (4463) 4168 (5158)
ATK 1301 (1796) 1561 (2056)
RCV 428 (725) 514 (811)
[2536]Long-Standing Desire God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru

God / Dragon

Active Skill: Change Wood orbs to Fire orbs; Change Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Enhance all Heal orbs (13 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 1.5x ATK & RCV for Dragon type; 2x ATK when matching 4 or more connected Fire or Light orbs up to 4x at 8 orbs [1/36/2.25]

NY Yamato is a dragon killer sub with multiboost and 3 skill boosts, but he cannot take dragon killer latents and his stats are quite low, especially the attack. Tsubaki is a much stronger option whenever skill boosts are not critical, and unless Yamato takes the super awake dragon killer, Red Ilmina has both more damage and skill boosts.


Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3255 (4245) 4232 (5222)
ATK 1874 (2369) 2436 (2931)
RCV 150 (447) 195 (492)
[2537]Year’s First Dream God of Luck, Horus

God / Attacker

Active Skill: Enhance all orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (12 ➧ 7)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK when matching 4 or more colors up to 4.5x at 5 colors; 2.5x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced [1/126.5625/1]

NY Horus grants full red OE by himself and can obtain 4 skill boosts in solo, which came in handy in certain ranking dungeons such as Xiu Min. His other super awakenings come in handy when used as a more general purpose sub, but unless getting full OE in 1 sub is very important for the team, subs like Revo Krishna fill similar role while having better stats and awakenings. The active enhances the whole board and applies haste, but for only 1 more cooldown, Awoken Constellation 1 does that for their respective colors in addition to an orb change.


Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3630 (4620) 4356 (5346)
ATK 2003 (2498) 2404 (2899)
RCV 273 (570) 328 (625)
[4130]Blue Sky Goddess of Daybreak, Khepri

God / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by 2; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 2 seconds (27 ➧ 12)

Leader Skill: [No skyfall]; 4x ATK when there are 7 or fewer orbs remaining; 4x ATK when matching 4 or more colors [1/256/1]

NY Khepri can be used as a time extend and HP stick who brings a time extend and +2c active useful for various combo teams, but her damage output is lacking. Her leader skill got no buffs this round and while the attack multiplier is still decent, it is not high enough to justify her lack of any defense beyond team HP awakenings on leads.



Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 3335 4325
ATK 1577 2072
RCV 302 599
[2535]First Sunrise Princess Suzaku, Leilan

God / Dragon

[3417]Daylight Suzaku Princess, Leilan

God / Dragon

Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Light orbs (14 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 3.5x ATK when matching 3+ of Fire, Wood, Light, Heal at once; 2x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced [1/49/1]

Both NY Leilans function as OE sticks, just for different attributes. Neither red or light is lacking in good subs with OE, and Leilan’s active, awakenings, and stats aren’t good enough to make her stand out.

Ame no Uzume

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 3545 4535
ATK 1605 2100
RCV 241 538
[4129]Blessed Dancing Goddess, Ame no Uzume

God / Balance

Active Skill: Remove all binds and awoken skill binds; Deal 100000 damage to an enemy 5 times (17 ➧ 12)

Leader Skill: 1.5x HP & ATK for Balanced, God type; 5x ATK for Light Att. when above 80% HP [2.25/56.25/1]

Ame’s active received a major buff and now clears all binds/awoken binds. Compared to other options for inheritable full awoken bind clear, Ame’s secondary effect is not very useful outside of farming and her merits as a sub is low, even in coop. It still has some niche uses in farming, as the active can clear full team binds from spawns like Amaterasu Tama while buttoning the floor at the same time. As a button base for ATK based nukes, the number of strong multiboost cards steadily increased over the past year such that Ame is not an especially notable base, but she is occasionally prefered for unbindability.


Hattori Hanzo

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 2089 3079
ATK 1898 2393
RCV 480 777
[2538]First Sunshine’s Shadow, Hattori Hanzo

Attacker / Devil

Active Skill: Change Fire orbs to Light orbs (10 ➧ 5)

Leader Skill: 2x ATK and 1.5x HP & RCV for Attacker type [2.25/4/2.25]

Hanzo is a decent light dragon killing option in farming thanks to low CD and 2 skill boosts, though inability to stack dragon killer latents limits his usage. He’s largely outclassed by Valk Ciel except in situations where the low cooldown is vital.


Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 3220 4210
ATK 1585 2080
RCV 333 630
[3419]Shrine Tour Mechstar Princess, Spica

Machine / God

Active Skill: Change far left column to Light orbs and change far right column to Wood orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (13 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 1.3x ATK & RCV for God, Machine type; 5x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced [1/42.25/1.69]

With 4 NY Spicas you can almost use a Spica every turn, and the active is useful in farm situations where 2 columns and 1 haste is desired. As a sub her OEs are divided into 2 different colors and her stats are lackluster, but her colors and 5 light/green creating active does fit perfectly for Rushana .


Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 2124 3114
ATK 1379 1874
RCV 592 889
[2574]Osechi Party Fox, Mitsuki

Healer / Attacker

Active Skill: Change Wood, Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (13 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Healer type; 3x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Heal orbs [6.25/9/1]

Mitsuki might have been useful for machine killing if Machine Goemon wasn’t a thing. She’s potentially useful for autoheal and heart making in cheese teams, but unlike regular Mitsuki , NY Mitsuki is bindable and her active does not remove poisons.



Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 4126 5116
ATK 1317 1812
RCV 0 297
[2540]Traditional Daruma, Grand Tengu

Physical / Devil

Active Skill: Becomes Team leader, changes back when used again (16 ➧ 4)

Leader Skill: 3x ATK and 2x RCV when below 10% HP; May survive when HP is reduced to 0 (HP>50%) [1/9/4]

NY Tengu is identical to normal Tengu except for the different sub attribute and slightly stronger leader skill. For the most part they are interchangable but having both NY and normal Tengu is nice for certain no dupes dungeons.

Side Note NY Tengu is in the 4-5★ skill up dungeon. Since normal Tengu shares the same skill, one can skill up 5 Tengus at once for 50 stamina, more efficient than running the descend (assuming you want 5 max skill Tengus of course).

Jeanne d’Arc

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 3002 3992
ATK 1556 2051
RCV 252 549
[3420]Karuta Queen, Jeanne d’Arc

Dragon / Attacker

Active Skill: Deal 10x ATK Light damage to all enemies; For 2 turns, 2x RCV (20 ➧ 5)

Leader Skill: 1.5x ATK & RCV for Dragon, Attacker type; 2.5x ATK when 6 or more combos [1/14.0625/2.25]

Jeanne has 1 less autoheal than Misery , but instead she has a SBR and an extra skill boost. She’s fairly useless outside of cheesing and boosting YamaP’s amazing autoheal based burst .


Amaterasu Ohkami

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3821 (4811) 4967 (5957)
ATK 1011 (1506) 1314 (1809)
RCV 682 (979) 887 (1184)
[2533]Excursion Dancing Goddess, Amaterasu Ohkami

God / Healer

Active Skill: Recover 40% of max HP; Reduce binds by 4 turns; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (12 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 9x ATK for Healer type when HP is full; 3x ATK for Healer type when below 99% HP; 10x RCV additional heal when matching orbs [1/81/1]

Obtain from: 300K

NY Amaterasu is very similar to Revo Amaterasu , the main difference being devil killer over TPAs. Although she is usable as a bind clearing sub, the same amount of MP can get you Odindra who has better stats and clears more binds.


Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 2195 3185
ATK 1409 1904
RCV 623 920
[2539]Shinto Deity’s Blossom, Kaguya-Hime

Healer / God

Active Skill: Create 3 Light orbs at random (9 ➧ 4)

Leader Skill: 4x ATK for Light Att. on the turn a skill is used [1/16/1]

Obtain from: Dungeon Invade

NY Kaguya has some use for her dark resists, but another farmable card has 5 dark resists and can be obtained more frequently.


Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 2723 3713
ATK 1368 1863
RCV 371 668
[2541]Guardian of Good Fortune, Medjedra

God / Balance

Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 50%; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Balanced type (18 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 3x ATK for Wood Att. when above 50% HP; 1.5x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced [1/20.25/1]

Obtain from: Dungeon Invade

NY Medjedra is alright as a farmable green OE stick, but lack of SB makes it hard to use him for anything and beach Almadel is a better option.


Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 2445 3435
ATK 1207 1702
RCV 555 852
[2542]Yamatogoto Playing God, Sandalphon

God / Healer

Active Skill: For 2 turns, reduce damage taken by 35%; For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Healer type (25 ➧ 14)

Leader Skill: 3x ATK and 1.25x HP for Healer type [1.5625/9/1]

Obtain from: Dungeon Invade

NY Sandalphon has the dubious distinction of being one of the few cards to have only 50% bind resist. He is a usable farmable OE stick, but there are better options like Miru .


Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 2516 (3506) 3774 (4764)
ATK 1121 (1616) 1682 (2177)
RCV 482 (779) 723 (1020)
[2543]Shinto Shrine’s Dragon Knight, Himiko

Dragon / Healer

Active Skill: Change Wood, Dark orbs to Heal orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (13 ➧ 8)

Leader Skill: 2x ATK for Healer, Dragon type [1/4/1]

Obtain from: Dungeon Boss

Interestingly, Himiko has more stats than the REM card she’s supposed to skill up and can get unbindable via super awakenings. Nonetheless the +30 she comes with is worth more than Himiko herself.



If you are into farming then consider rolling for Tengu, otherwise skip.


Artemis can be worthwhile if you lack both a Fujin active and a decent leader.


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