PAD Dev Resources

| May. 5, 2019 | 3,439 views |   0    
also helped!

This is a compiled list of 3rd party projects, tools, and apps for puzzles and dragons as well as the people involved in their development. It is by no means a fully complete list and if you would your projects to be included, please contact chu2.71#2482 on discord.

Developer Contacts

Name Contacts Projects
tactical_retreat Discord: tactical_retreat#9000
Miru Bot
Miru data
Allieta Discord: Allieta#3006
Chu Discord: chu2.71#2482
Miru data
Cate Discord: ケート#0888
Reddit GitHub
Miru data
Izenn Discord: Izenn#0173
Reddit GitHub
CandyNinja Discord: 
Puzzled, pypad
Kiootic Discord: kiootic#4589
Barkuto Discord: Barkuto#2315
Eschamali Bot
Rohil Thopu Discord: rohil#2538
PAD DB (Web, iOS)
Cody Watts GitHub


Will Medlar


puzzluminati (GitHub Organization)

Wes Chao

Discord: mischiefmaker#1737


Raijinili Discord: Raijinili#2119
Historical PAD data archiving

PAD Data Libraries and Standalone Tools

padtoolsCody Watts・Python・GitHub

Allows you to download various PAD raw resource files. Requirement for a number of other libraries.

Fork: Extra features by tactical_retreat: adds the ability to download ‘extras’ (voice lines, orb skins, etc). 

Puzzle-and-Dragons-Texture-Tool | Cody Watts・Python・GitHub

Unpack PAD data blobs into images. Doesn’t work properly for animations.

Fork: Minor tweaks by tactical_retreat

Additionally, pad-resources by Kiootic also does this, and handles animations.

pad-rikuu | Kiootic・TypeScript・GitHub

A variety of tools for parsing the PAD raw data files into usable data. Also contains a web UI for accessing the processed data and viewing animated cards.


Tools to download pad images, and extract them to png or mp4. Lacks web UI but has some advantages over padtools, e.g. properly handles downloading resources by hash to a local cache. Unlike PAD Texture Tool, can extract mp4. Seems difficult to get working on Windows.


A variety of libraries for parsing the PAD raw data files into usable data structures.

PADSolver | Barkuto・Java・GitHub

Thick Java client board simulator, similar to PadSim but local.

pad-boardstats | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub

Library that simplifies running orb distribution simulations (details).

padherder_proxy | jgoldshalg・Python・GitHub

Proxy server that can intercept your box data, and upload it to Padherder. Might be usable with Izenn’s PadBox app in the future. Unfortunately, Android changes over the years have made this more difficult to use.

padsniff | Will Medlar・Python・GitHub

Event-driven framework for intercepting PAD HTTPS requests. Supports all versions of Android but requires temporary root for 7.0+. Probably supports iOS.

PAD Assets

Note from tactical_retreat: If you plan to use any of the game data or assets I’m publishing, please rehost them yourself when you are ready to launch. It’s fine to hotlink them during development. Please use the Backblaze files when possible; it costs me less money. Contact me on Discord/Reddit/email to set up efficient syncing.

Voice Lines | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub<server>/<id>.wav

Orb Skins | 2pa・Python・GitHub

Monster Images | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub

Includes: Portraits, Full Images, HQ Images, and Animated Images.

See GitHub source code README for details on published locations.

Raw PAD Data | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub<server>/<file_name>.json

Executing the extract for this info requires a snippet of private code related to accessing the PAD API. You probably don’t need to do this yourself; access the published data instead.

Please use the Cloud Storage links to find the files you’re interested in; pull the data via BackBlaze.

Processed PAD Data | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub<file_name>.json

There’s a good chance you don’t want to use the published data files, which is just a JSON serialized form of the parsed data. You probably want to use the raw files and parse them yourself, and do something with them.

Please use the Cloud Storage links to find the files you’re interested in; pull the data via BackBlaze.

DadGuide Database | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub

JSON files that the PadGuide API will return if you request the entire history of various tables. This data is used by Miru Bot, which historically got it from the actual PadGuide servers, now from a local clone. The table structure is defined by what PadGuide used, which is a bit wonky in some cases.

PAD Wave Data | tactical_retreat・Python・GitHub

The ‘’ and ‘wave_summary.csv’ (probably use this) files in this directory contain information about the spawns for most dungeons (excluding 3p) since collection started.

Executing this code requires private code related to accessing the PAD API.

Miru Resources | Miru Admin Team

Data about PAD compiled by humans, accessible through Miru Bot, also exported for use by anyone who wants to use it. Includes nicknames for monsters, guides to dungeons, and suggestions for which evolution to pick, among other things.

Websites | Allieta・TypeScript

Monster info site with advanced searching capabilities.

A WIP enemy behaviour tree tool is accessable via:<id>

PadBox | Izenn・JavaScript/Perl・GitHub

Box management website. WIP replacement for PadHerder.

PAD DB | Rohil Thopu・Python, Django・GitHub

Displays guerillas, dungeon info, and monster info.

PadSpike | JavaScript・BitBucket

Browser based damage calculator.

PadSim (Dawnglare) | dawnglare・JavaScript・GitHub

The classic web board simulator.

Puzzled | CandyNinja・JavaScript・GitHub

A fork of PadSim with improvements including support for blind, spinner, cloud, etc.・JavaScript・GitHub

A web auto board solver, seems to be dead at the moment.

Mobile Apps

DadGuide | tactical_retreat・Java・Android Only・GitHub

This is a hacked up version of PadGuide to point to a custom backend. The original source code is not available, changes are patched into the PadGuide APK.

PAD DB | Rohil Thopu・Swift・iOS Only・GitHub

iOS app for displaying guerillas, dungeon info, and monster info.

Discord Bots

Miru Bot | tactical_retreat・Python・Discord InviteGitHub (also)

PAD monster info chat bot, plus some administrative stuff.

This bot is a v1 Red Discord bot, with a number of custom cogs installed. To set up your own version for development or as a personal clone of Miru, see the instructions in GitHub.

Eschamali | Java・Discord InviteGitHub

A PAD monster info chat bot, has monster look up and some administrative features.


PAD ML | tactical_retreat・Python/Other・GitHub

Details on how to train an object detector for PAD boards/orbs/portraits. Has some sample data with annotations, and links to pre-trained models. Instructions on how to prep data for training on Google Cloud Vision AutoML.

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