Yu Yu Hakusho Collab REM Guide

| May. 14, 2018 | 649 views |   0    

Yu Yu Hakusho is a fairly standard collab featuring 1 really great rare card, some decent cards, and a pool of niche to useless common rolls. While it’s generally a costly venture to pursue the rare card, YYH marks the first time one can trade in four of select 6* GFE or other 6* from this REM to get the desired 6*, which may or may not be worthwhile depending on the monster box.

5 Stars

Note: Due to bad awakenings and low stats, most of these cards aren’t very usable as subs. I will focus on their active skills instead.

Kazuma Kuwabara

His active is a single target button + column maker. This has some uses in farming where he can button a floor and create orbs to kill the next but it’s very situational.


A double column maker with a decent 1 turn 2.5x burst onces again has applications in farming, especially when trying to kill things with only 1 ping. It’s also a pretty decent inherit for light or water teams, though 2.5x isn’t all that high and you will likely want a dedicated orb making active and a good gemstone instead.


Awoken bind clear is incredibly valuable in endgame dungeons, and while 4 turns isn’t always enough this active also brings a 3 turn 50% shield, essentially making him a weaker version of Sakura.


She’s very cute but sadly not all that great. The two effects of her active are 1 turn 100% dark damage shield and +2c. While +2c is generally helpful, there are numerous options with better side effects than a color specific damage shield. Her cooldown is also rather long, exceeding full damage void actives like Ganesha.

Kaname Hagiri

100% defense void coupled with board unlock immediately brings Dark Metatron spawn to mind, but beyond that it’s hard to say when you’ll need both parts of this active.


Like Nerigante Hunter, Chu’s team attack based nuke active has button farming potential. Chu isn’t nearly as strong as Nerigante Hunter due to his lack of multiboost. He can work with Xmas Solais and Masamune, but he’s not an exceptionally strong button. The healing aspect is detrimental to 1 HP nukes like Grimmjow and Vritra as well as below HP% based farm leads like DMeta and Machine Goemon, but it can be useful for Zeus Verse and other above HP% leaders.


The third active after Sado from bleach and Ryo from KoF to make 2 rows of a color, Jin can be used with 6 orb row leads like G/x Sylvie or Kurama to clear 2 floors with 1 active, much like Sado and Yamamoto. However, green farming is still not as versatile as red farming due to red having a number of excellent killer subs like Tsubaki. Aside from directly using the rows, Jin can be used to create combos on non-green full boards and he’s the fastest option (on par with Sado) due to his lack of any secondary effects.

He’s also notable for being the first cloud resist sub usable in coop.


Karasu creates a red/dark/jammer tricolor board on 7cd. While the lack of hearts is unfortunate and jammers are not desired by most leads, the inclusion of them lowers cool-down and allow jammer leads to do their thing. In particular this board can be used by Denebola and DFenrir.

He’s also a double machine killer sub, but his lack of SB and inability to use latent machine killers reduces his usefulness.

6 Stars

Yusuke Urameshi

The chase card of this REM, Yusuke is incredibly versatile as both lead and sub.

As a leader Yusuke is tanky and yet strong. 2.25/225/2.25 multiplier with a easy 2 color + 7c activation is simple but effective and his subpool is anything with a light attribute so team-building isn’t a huge concern. These traits combined with both leaders having VDP makes Yusuke incredibly effective against dungeons featuring tough damage void spawns like Arena 4 and 3P Dragon Rush.

As a sub Yusuke is comparable to Valentines Ney for being double 7c balanced type VDP subs. There are some differences like different main/sub attributes, Ney’s TPAs vs Yusuke’s extra SB and TE, and different actives, but in the end both fill similar roles on various teams.

Yusuke’s active is the first Light/Blue bicolor in the game. Unlock and haste are practical secondary effects, so the only real complaint is lack of hearts for FUA.


Kurama has 2 versions, the base form is notable for having a 5 turn delay much like Orochi and Zeta Hydra but not particularly useful otherwise.

The evolved from has 2 turn delay + red/hazards to greens. A decent active but not exceptionally strong. His leader skill is based on 6 green orb rows which can be nicely combined with Jin’s double green row active. When compared to Yamamoto, Kurama brings similar damage and adds an LS shield but also brings an annoying HP conditional aspect. At the moment he doesn’t really standout from other farming leaders.


Hiei here is quite a mixed bag. A leader skill that requires 9 Darks is generally too orb hungry to be useful, even if his active happens to make exactly 9 darks. 4 TPA gives good damage on the condition that you actually match TPAs, and while rainbow haste is generally useful it’s rather impractical on a mono color leader.

His active does have a use in making exactly enough orbs for VDP and applying a x3 dark burst for a kill shot, but it’s a real shame that Hiei himself does not have VDP.


Raizen is the first card to have triple L attack, in practice it’s essentially like having 3 TPAs. He also has a HP<50 awakening which doubles his damage when your HP is low, this works well with his suicide active and leader skill but staying at low HP is both risky and difficult with skyfall. Raizen’s active is similar to Uuvo Angel Luci as it’s a 200x light nuke with 1 hp suicide that creates hearts. The column of hearts does slow the active down but it still useful for forming FUA should the dungeon call for it. All in all a strange addition to the ever growing collection of light FUA subs.

As a leader, Raizen is impractical in standard play due to his need to maintain low HP for full multiplier but Raizen can function as a powerful farming leader when planned around a specific dungeon due to his low orb requirements for high damage. Needing only 5 orbs for a 324x multiplier, Raizen can make good use of column and row generators, especially Ryo from KoF and Hakuren from Shinrabansho. Low active CD also lends well to Ganesha lead swap tactics.


As a leader, Sensui is essentially a Attacker version of Revo Kushi with all the strengths(damage control) and weaknesses(capped damage) that implies. Unlike Kushi, Sensui gets a 2.25 RCV multiplier to make up for Attackers not having as much RCV as healers, and Sensui himself is a stronger card than Kushi with double 7c and guard break.

As a sub, Sensui is comparable with DKali, as both have a combination of double 7c and guard break. He has less stats and trades TPA/SB for TE, but he does have an incredibly short CD active for inherits. The active itself has damage control applications as it both prevents skyfall and help create non-enhanced dark orbs to stay under some spawns like Sopdet.



The 5* rolls can be useful but they aren’t really worth chasing for the average player. Jin, Chu, and Karasu have farming uses but they are not irreplacable by any means.

The 6* rolls are nice to get simply because you can trade them in for Yusuke, but 10% rate isn’t promising.


Yusuke is a strong leader when supported by a good light box, but don’t go throwing away all your GFEs for him if you cannot make a decent team.

The other 6* are not as valuable, though trading for Raizen is valid if you have the box and partners or alts to run Raizen farm teams with.

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