Buffs for many cards, for the new Combo Enhance awakening!
Along with Version 18.7 update’s new awakenings are… these buffs!
About new Combo Enhance awakenings
Shown in stream, and added in Version 18.7 are these new awakenings:
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Burning Phoenix Knight, Homura 転生バーンフェニックスナイト・ホムラ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Torrential Fenrir Knight, Kamui 転生フラッドフェンリルナイト・カムイ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Ancient Dragon Knight, Zeal 転生エンシェントドラゴンナイト・セロ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Godly Knight of the Sky, Verche 転生スカイゴッドナイト・ヴァーチェ |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Reincarnated Chaos Dragon Knight, Voice 転生カオスドラゴンナイト・ヴォイス |
Limitbreak stats buffed.
Shimmering Thunder Goddess, Hera Dragon 煌雷神・ヘラ=ドラゴン |
Active Skill: Create
Sorceress of Purging Light, Ars Nova 浄灯の魔導姫・アルス=ノウァ |
Sorceress of Sinister Flight, Goetia 邪翔の魔導姫・ゴエティア |
Reincarnated Krishna 転生クリシュナ |
Reincarnated Sarasvati 転生サラスヴァティ |
Reincarnated Vishnu 転生ヴィシュヌ |
Reincarnated Ganesha 転生ガネーシャ |
Reincarnated Durga 転生ドゥルガー |
Guardian of the Imperial Nation, Athena 帝国の守護神・アテナ |
Dark Paths Guardian Genbu, Meimei 暗路守の玄武・メイメイ |
Sky Splitting Marvelous Red Dragon Caller, Sonia 烈空の紅龍喚士・ソニア |
Bountiful Fertility Deity, Ceres 樹護の豊穣神・セレス |
Stat Changes
+500 HP, +400 ATK, +40 RCV
(Now 4510 HP / 2158 ATK / 505 RCV)
Active Skill: Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 3 turns; Reduce awoken skill binds by 3 turns; Create 3 Heal orbs from non-Wood orbs (3 ➧ 3) Leader Skill: 4x ATK when matching 2 Wood combos, up to 10x at 5 Wood combos; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by |
Bountiful Fertility Deity, Ceres Card 樹護の豊穣神・セレスのカード |
Stat Changes
+500 HP, +400 ATK, +40 RCV
(Now 4510 HP / 2158 ATK / 505 RCV)
Should say added in 18.7, not 18.5 =]
Fat finger syndromed, fixed thanks~
I don’t know if it’s a typo but Ceres shield says ??%.
Not a typo because they literally didn’t say what % she’s buffed to, LOL
what is the attack multiplier per Combo Enhance awakening? 2x or more/less?
Not mentioned in the original patch note, will have to wait till in-game test after maintenance. Usually patch notes don’t tell everything, unfortunately.
Watching this space :3
Considering that the “maximum” number of these awakening is 2. I’d assume it’ll be something like 1.3× – 1.5×