Coming Soon: New Descended Boss, Eris?
Randomly showed on Miru Bot/DadGuide (which is from in-game data) is a new card with Uvo, Assist Evo, and Gem version… of Eris.
With Greek mythology, this means we’ll see something Greek soon right? Perhaps on the upcoming GungHo Stream, as part of the “Coming Soon” in the current event?
Official info isn’t out yet, so stay tuned!
Fun fact: The apple is called Golden Apple of Discord.
Eris (Base form)
Eris (Uvo?)
Eris (Assist Evo.)
New: Enemy mechanics
Some new mechanics in the dungeon this time: Leader transform!
- Normal attacks change player leader to Greek 3 pantheons (3 turns).
- Her preempt changes leader to Revo Minerva (10 turns)
- Her other attacks change leader to Awoken Zeus and Awoken Hera (10 turns)
Enemies in dungeon include Athena and Cronus! This will be a fun one!
ooh so that’s what those “-” awakening used for, as a counter balance
big brain