[PAD + PADR] Dark Radra: Official Information!
Are you bored of me posting about Dark Ra Dragon yet? This is finally the official information, for both PAD and PAD Radar!
Really it’s all repost but with improved graphics.
About Dark Ra Dragon
Dark Ra Dragon (Dark Radra, or DRadra) is available as Monster Memory, in random packs sold for 389 yen (3.68 USD) on 4/28 (Sat) . Each pack contains 2 random Monster Memories (plastic toys) from a pool of 23 possibilities. Some of them are leaders, and some are subs (Dark Radra is a sub, for example).
The toy itself has a QR code at the back, and you claim that through PAD Radar. When it is claimed (if you manage to get one), you’ll get the PADR version (as a sub) as well as PAD version, if you have PAD/PADR linked!
See here for the details on the packs, or here for the full lineup in the packs. The packs are also available on Amazon JP, but as a box of 12 packs.
Also, a second pack is announced and coming in June 2018! (No details yet, see my other post about that)
PAD Radar version
No changes from previous post.

Dark Ra Dragon (Sub in PADR)
Devil / Dragon
53050 / 2380 / 1300
Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attributes + Heart orbs. 2 turn haste. (14 turn CD)
Awakenings: 1N 1R 2SR 3UR
Ra Dragon on PAD
Again, if your PAD Radar and PAD main game are connected, you should receive Dark Ra Dragon in a gift dungeon (in mail).

Dark Ra Dragon
Devil / Dragon / Attacker
Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attributes + Heart orbs, 2 turn haste. (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.5x stats to Devil types. ATK increase when 4 attributes (or 3 attributes + Hearts) are matched, up to 9x ATK.
Other Updates
Official page of the Monster Memories was also updated, now shows Unma and Diamond Dragon for S-Rarity. Both are Leaders. Notice that Diamond Dragon’s artwork is way cuter!
(Please pretend to be surprised, Corocoro already said it previously too!)