10 Magic Stones! Super Orb Skin Godfest!
Super Godfest returns with various orb-skin-unlocking cards, and the same old limited-time Monster Exchanges! Apologies for super late post as real life is a mess.
(Maybe a good chance to roll for more Christmas Uriel and Halloween Bastet??)
Sort of a related note: We have a page to see all the orb skins, with colorblind too!
About the machine
- Separate machine,
10 Magic Stones per roll.
- All rolls will be Lv. Max, fully awoken, +297!
- Skill level up dungeon available!
These have orb skins:
And also these are in lineup too:
Full lineup & Rates
Seasonals with Orb Skin (★7) | 2.5% each, 12.5% total
Cottons (★7) | 0.3% each, 1.5% total
Fes. Exclusives (★7) | 1.5% each, 31.5% total
Pantheons (★7) | 1.56% each, 54.6% total
Limited-Time Monster Exchanges
Found under Monster Exchange Event are limited-time exchanges during Godfest!
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[5739] Latent TAMADRA (Extra Slot) 潜在たまドラ☆枠解放 ▼ Trade 2 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow イベントメダル【虹】 ▼ Trade 1 cards in. |